Archive for the ‘Discounts & Deals’ Category

Why you should sign up now for summer camp 2020

Dear Bethany Birches Parents:

The staff are busy preparing for the 2020 summer camp season at Bethany Birches! We realize that these are uncertain times and there may not even be a 2020 summer camp season.  However, we will continue preparing as though there will be summer campFeel confident in signing up for summer 2020 because of 1 and 2 below.  3 and 4 below are in hopes of giving your children something to look forward to while being home for what may be quite some time.

1. Summer cancellation without penalty. If you have signed up for summer camp, or plan to do so, you may cancel with no penalty.  Cancel for any reason and we will keep every dollar on your account for one year.  You could use this at the upcoming winter sessions or the following summer sessions, or for a friend, different child, etc.  Also, if the current crisis causes a limited summer session, there won’t be as many spots. Sign up now with confidence.  As the pace of life slows down day by day you could get your mind in a different space and reserve your child’s summer spot now:  If a session is canceled by us or regulators, same thing applies.  All cancellations must be made 3 weeks before the start of your session.

2. Safety. Our leadership team and medical professionals are upgrading the current health and safety practices we have in place at camp and if summer camp is held this season, we will have robust check-in and quarantine procedures in case of outbreak of any kind, Covid-19 or otherwise.

3. Get the kids out of the house and off the screen. On the topic of slowing pace, Bethany Birches’ property remains open to you.  While indoor spaces will be locked and only used for certain pre-arranged purposes, you are welcome to come and be in the outdoors.  Connect with us to learn how you can be here safely (email, phone, social).

4. Virtual Engagement. While we are staying separate from each other to slow the pandemic in our country, we can still be together in spirit and via internet!  Stay tuned for a few virtual camp experiences. Possibly things like biking with Tuna, crafts with Cheeks and Susie, camp songs with Meatball, Magic with Rupert, chill time with Beehive… the possibilities are endless!  Have a request? Let us know.  In the meantime, if you’re going to give your kiddos screen time, have them check out the BBC youtube channel.


You can help

  1. At this time, we believe the most effective thing we can do to stop the spread of this virus (thereby keeping medical facility traffic to a manageable rate) is to keep physical interaction limited (“social distancing”). Please learn and follow local and federal authorities’ recommendations.
  2. We are still looking for some of those great summer staff. For teens 15-17, consider Counselor in Training or Leader in Training.  For teens 17 and older, consider assistant counseling.  For college students and beyond, consider counseling, maintenance, kitchen, etc.

More to come as more becomes known.  We are praying strength for you and peace that passes understanding.

Brandon “Tuna” Bergey, Executive Director

P.S. Apparently handwashing is a game-changer.  I continue to challenge myself to do it for at least 20 seconds!

Auction Items Spotlight

It’s almost time for the annual benefit auction.  I am excited!  Why?  It’s so fun!  Even better, there are so many great people and lots of great food!  Sandy, the auctioneer is a great entertainer (and will convince you that you need to keep bidding… which is good for the kiddos who benefit from your bidding).

In my excitement for the food and people and fun, I forgot about all the cool stuff you could win!  Each year in the week or two leading up to the auction we highlight some of the items just to give a sense of some of the cool stuff on offer.   As usual, there are a handful of services you can purchase.  You can give to benefit campers and in return, get your house clean, go on a date and leave the kids at home or host an upscale party complete with professional cellist, wine and cheese.

The house cleaning was donated by Goldcoast House Cleaning.  Owner of Goldcoast and camper mom Sarah, will send her lovely staff to your residence or vacation home if it’s near Bridgewater, VT.  She will include cleaning basket of natural sponges, clothe essential lemon oil, and a bottle of Thieves Cleaner for you to do your own cleaning next time.  You can visit Goldcoast’s website and learn about the specific cleaning they will do for you or place a bid online here using code GOLDHC.

Bethany Birches’ very own program director, Courtney “Wonder Woman” Hollingsworth is providing a date night in Woodstock.  Speaking from experience, I have seen her educate, have fun with, and take great care of young people of all ages.  This item not only includes 6 hours of her time but it also includes a gift certificate to the Woodstock Inn’s restaurants and movie tickets to the Town Hall Theater.  She’ll drive up to 45 minutes from Woodstock.  Visit this listing or place a bid online here using code DATENI.

Last and certainly not least is the opportunity to enjoy an intimate evening with friends as you listen to a private recital of a seminal piece of the cello repertoire, Bach’s Solo Suite for Cello no 1 in G Major. Wine and cheese will beprovided to further your enjoyment of the evening. Location of your choosing within 30 miles of Hartford, VT.  Visit this listing or place a bid online here using code BACHWI.

Old Pavi Art Sold At Annual Benefit Auction

On September 27, the 12th annual benefit auction will be held at Bethany Birches Camp.

The original pavilion was torn down just a month ago. And we are busily working toward the completion of the new pavilion. And boy is it going to cost some money to build and finish this new pavilion!  Many people have given faithfully, sacrificially and exuberantly. And we are thankful.  More on that in a future post.  This post is about the auction and old pavi art!

Some camp supporters who are skilled craftsmen decided to make some really cool items for the auction out of the old pavilion.  Fred Schlabach and Dave Beidler have been hard at work and they’ve created some incredible stuff.  Fred made a bunch of mirrors. He will explain why he chose mirrors at the auction. He also made a pendant light.  Dave made a table out of the old pavilion posts!  Some of these items will be matched so that when you bid on it your dollar is worth two or three!  Who wants one?!  Can’t make it to the auction?  Place a bid online right here using the codes in the descriptions

Bid Now

The BBC Cabin has Something for Everyone in Winter

Cheeks trying to stay ahead of the raking

Cheeks trying to stay ahead of the raking

The other day Tuna posted this picture of me trying to stay ahead of leaf raking. Mowing leaves reminded me of plowing/shoveling snow. My heart sunk as I remembered how much harder it is to both shovel snow and drive in snow compared to leaves! Then I remembered the beauty of winter, the memories I’ve created while skiing down East Fall, giggling the whole way down the BBC tube run or heading deep into the quiet woods on my snowshoes. BBC is a winter wonderland. Consider coming to check it out!

The Bethany Birches Cabin is a great spot to enjoy every aspect of winter…
…Head to the nearby mountains for some of the best skiing in the northeast.  (Killington Mountain or Okemo Mountain)
…Tube down BBC’s 1/5 mile tube run on tube park quality tubes for a memorable adventure
…Strap on snowshoes or cross country skis and explore the 100 acres of camp.
…Snowmobile the VAST trail which runs through camp property and can take you anwhere in the state of VT.
…Or simply watch the snow fall from a cozy cabin.

No matter the type of adventure you enjoy – BBC is a cozy, affordable place to stay. The cabin is kid friendly and a great place for groups of any kind to gather!*

Take 20% off a week long rental. Inquire about midweek/3 night rental specials. For more details on rates click here. Or click here to check the availability. To reserve the cabin click here.  Or give us a call! (802-672-5220)

If you’re coming to ski – don’t’ miss out on Killington’s early bird deals ($58 Weekend Tix/$38 Mid Week Tix offered through 10/17) Keep in mind, Killington is open until May and skiing in April can be just as fun as skiing in Feb!












* Non Profit Youth Group Discounts ($15/person)

Free Camp! Woodstock, Windsor and Rutland

[mp3t flow=”y” vol=”33″ volslider=”y” style=”dark bigger1 bars100″ play=”Start Music” stop=”Stop Music” track=”Camp-Groove-No.-1.mp3″]

It’s almost time for Free Camps! What are Free Camps?  They are two-fold:

  1. A chance for you to experience a small piece of camp
  2. A chance for us to share with you what’s happening this upcoming summer at camp

With the obvious intended outcome that you and all your friends sign up for camp this summer!

I think one of the best things about Free Camp is that it is yet another time when the Bethany Birches family comes together.  And, often, it’s a lot of new family members.  There end up being new family members because those already apart of the family bring their friends.  And that’s how camp spreads.  Friend to friend.

In fact, we want to encourage the spreading of camp.  Here are two reasons to come and bring your friends:

  • Bring a camp-aged friend that hasn’t been to BBC before and you both get $30 off of summer 2013
  • Take $10 off for each additional camp-aged friend you bring to Free Camp that hasn’t been to BBC

It’s easy to let us know you’re coming.  Join the event on Facebook, call the office (802-672-5220) or email camp @

More details here.

Hope to see you at the Free Camps!


Summer 2013 Registration Open!

It’s true. It’s open. AND, you get a $50 discount for registering between now and next Friday at noon. An automatic discount that is. More details here.

If you already know your sessions and dates, just go ahead and sign up!


[button-medium color=”green” link=””]Register Now[/button-medium]

[button-medium color=”green” link=””]Compare Sessions[/button-medium]

Summer Dates are Final!

Despite the snow on the ground and the fast approaching winter camps we are gearing up for another summer of fun, God, friends and nature. We’ve finalized the dates for SUMMER 2013, added a few programs to mix it up and will be ready to accept registrations NEXT Friday (Jan 18). Keep in mind, if you register within the first week of registration opening you’ll receive a $50 discount!

See the sessions and dates below and stay tuned for opening of registration, updates on new programs and the announcement of 2013 summer theme! Summer’s coming, are you?!

Pioneer – Ages 7-9; July 7-11
Pilgrim – Ages 9-11; June 23-28
Friendship – Ages 6-8; July 7-9
Voyager – Ages 10-12; June 30 – July 5
Voyager Extended – Ages 10-11; June 23 – July 5
Discoverer – Ages 11-13; July 14-19
Discoverer Extended – Ages 12 -13; July 14 – 26
Explorer – Ages 12 -14; July 21 – 26
Sojourner – Ages 14-18; July 28 – August 2

New to Summer 2013:

  • Mission Possible Week – Ages 11-14; August 4-8: It is exactly what it sounds like. A week where we play the favorite game Mission Impossible MORE THAN ONCE! This week is for returning campers who love the game, love camp and want to learn more about completing the mission that is LIFE. More details to follow.
  • W.O.W (week of work) – Ages 15-18; August 4-8: A week of work for any returning teen camper who wants to spend more time at BBC. Opportunities to help in various ways will abound along with plenty of time to hang out with friends and experience God in new ways through serving those around you. More details to follow.
  • Shortened Pioneer Session (ages 7-9)

There’s not better place to be during the summer than BBC! Hope to see you on the hill:)

Mid-Week Ski Deals

If you like to ski/snowboard/spend time in the green mountains in the winter AND you care deeply about furthering God’s Kingdom here on Earth, keep reading! BBC has developed a wonderful opportunity for your passions to intersect:

We are offering a rate of $15/person/night for midweek rentals this winter. This offer is good for any church-going group starting NOW through April 2013. You must reserve a minimum of 2 nights and cannot combine this offer with any others. You’ll be eligible for the whole cabin with 10 more than 10 people. Minimum of 4 people or $60 charge. Mention the “church goer” discount when making your reservation.

It’s a win win! You get to enjoy a few days of adventure in the snowy green mountains all while helping BBC continue working towards helping youth develop their relationship with God.

To make a reservation visit this page or email [email protected] or call 802-672-5220.

Hope to see you this winter!