Posts Tagged ‘Association’

2015 Annual Report and Meeting

Greetings BBC Supporters:

Each year in March, we have our Annual Association Meeting.  The Association is the formal ownership group of the camp (being a non-profit, there are no financial benefits to ownership).  FYI – anyone can join the association.

It’s a fun evening; sharing a meal, hearing from the staff and board directors and conferring together about important issues.  This year the association had discussion around the camp’s core values.

You can listen to a good portion of the meeting right here.


The annual report can be found here.  If you would like a copy mailed to you, let us know here at the camp office (802-672-5220).

It would be great to see you at next year’s meeting!

Brandon “Tuna” Bergey

Staff Sneak Peak: Introducing DAN as Interim Program Director

For the first time in a decade someone other than Cheeks will hold the role of BBC Program Director. While Cheeks is learning how to take care of a newborn, Dan will be leading the BBC Summer Program. Both people are excited for the summer ahead of them. Read on to find out more about Dan and why he’s excited to be at BBC this summer:

“The Lord’s hand was clear in guiding me to this place. After spending months looking for jobs at a camp, the Lord brought me on a trip from Pennsylvania to Virginia where I heard about this job in Vermont. I’ve been on site for just a few days now and have already fallen in love with the camp; the rustic atmosphere, my loving and godly co-workers, and of course the gaga pit! I’ve already sat down with Cheeks and done some major planning for this summer, and let me say, it’s going to be AWESOME! I’m so excited to present some amazing new games and activities that I’ve learned at my other camps, while bringing back some classic BBC camp games!”

Dan has a host of experience in camping. He spent the last 6+ summers working at camps and he grew up at camp. He recently graduated from Cairn University with a double major in Bible and Music Education. He’s been at BBC since Wednesday and already he’s seen most of camp, eaten at Ramunto’s and played games with Nanuk. COME JOIN US on the hill this summer to meet him in person and find out his camp name!

Dan Laubach as Interim PD for 2015

Dan Laubach as Interim PD for 2015

BBC’s Year End Report (2013)

This past Saturday night, we had our annual meeting at the First Congregational Church of Woodstock (thanks for that FCCW!).

It was a good turnout as seen in the picture above.

The agenda included reporting, visioning and a pot luck meal.  One thing we wanted to show but didn’t have time for was Robert’s fly through of the new pavi.  You can watch it over here.

During reporting, we covered much of the annual report.  You can read it for yourself right here.

For those of you association members who missed Sandy’s song, here it is:


Want more info on joining the BBC Association? Check it out.

Annual Association Meeting

It’s that time of year! When the Bethany Birches Association gathers here at camp.  In short, we work together, eat lunch and transact business.  This year, however, our business transacting will be cut short by two very important things:

  1. A “walk-through” of the pavilion we intend to build in 2014.  More on that later.
  2. Family Feud (or Jeopardy) as Annual Report. We did this for the first time last year and it was a hit.

So please, mark your calendar and plan to join us.  Even if you’re not an association member. The day is open for all!

Here’s the schedule:

9:00 am – work begins. Total agenda not finalized, but may include: water tramp, clean kitchen, carpentry in shelters, trail maintenance.

12:30 pm – lunch!

1:30 pm – meeting begins (see above for most of the agenda)

4:00 pm – if it’s nice, play a round of disk golf… or just go home!

Can you make it?  Drop me a line at brandon @

See you on the hill this spring!


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