This summer, I had the great privilege to serve for two weeks as the Camp Shepherd at Bethany Birches. The first week when I was with the older teens, they kept asking me to go to basically every event they had. Which I was honestly surprised by. But, of course, I had to say yes! After doing a few, long camp days, exhaustion finally hit me about Wednesday when I had to crash and take a nice long nap! Not only did I want the campers and counselors to know that I cared about the experiences they were having, I was excited to be embraced and included by them into those experiences too! Experiences like trying and failing on the blob, hiking through the riverbed, playing countless games, and going to dance parties and talent shows. Everything we did was anchored in caring, genuine relationships. Because that’s what camp is really all about. Developing Christ-centered relationships so that each participant can grow in faith. This, to me, is the anchor of the BBC experience; real, genuine relationships and experiences that renew people.
Archive for the ‘Newsletters’ Category
From Camper, to Camp Cook
I was at the local pizza shop talking with a long-time camper earlier this week (he is a pizza chef now). He started working in our kitchen part time during the summer to pick up some extra hours. As we were talking, he inquired about the auction. He remembered it was coming up, and he wanted to know if we were ready. He wished us well. It struck me that a young man who just turned 20, was asking about a benefit auction where maple syrup sells for the price of a trip to the dentist. And then I remembered that when he was young, his mom was single and life was pretty hard at times for them. Regardless, he came to camp. He started attending camp in 2009 and attended for 10 consecutive years.
His mother paid $115 that first year for his week of camp. And that may be part of why this 20-year-old man is curious about the benefit auction. He knows Bethany Birches to be a place filled with love, and compassion, and somehow was able to make it so that even a young, hard working single mother could send her two boys sometimes more than once each year. The 21st annual auction was a lovely time, filled with friends, food, and giving. More than $70,000 was raised that morning so that kiddos from all walks of life can have a meaningful, faith-filled summer and winter camp experience.
~ Brandon “Tuna” Bergey, Executive Director
Time Machine: Fast Forward 30 Years. Camp is Different, But the Same.
2023 marked 30 years since we (Phil and Kelly) had both served on summer staff at BBC. God used Phil’s three and my one summer at BBC to create a special place in our hearts for camp ministry. Little did we know that God would use our BBC experience to lead us into camp ministry for over 16 years in Pennsylvania. All four of our children lived at, volunteered and/or worked multiple summers in camp ministry and have also found great joy in serving God in this way. This past summer we had the opportunity to come full circle and bring our four young adult children with us to BBC to volunteer for a week at camp. How neat it was to ascend Lynds Hill, together, to take in the familiar view of the beautiful green mountains, to visit Chickadee and Warbler where we were camp counselors, to stay in the staff cabin, and to enjoy the pond. How familiar it was to see the campers and staff coming to pick up their food crates, singing camp songs, hearing fireside speakers and seeing staff lighting their lanterns.
During our week, we enjoyed working with and getting to know the friendly camp staff, experiencing the gratefulness of the campers as we served food to them on rainy days. We enjoyed making progress in putting siding on the bath house, helping and learning from the kitchen staff, interacting with campers, and eating meals together in the pavilion. We even participated daily in the maintenance team devotions. And of course we loved just being outdoors and two trips to the Green Mountain Sugar House for maple creemees!! (Thanks Tuna and Cheeks for that suggestion!). As we reflect on our experience this summer and the many things that were the same, there were also several things that changed since our time at
BBC, as you can imagine. Changes such as the beautiful pavilion and much larger kitchen, the craft hut, the “blob” on the pond, the enlarged beach area, the hammocks, the tree
house and of course the flushing toilets in the bathhouse! Yet, with all of these changes, BBC continues to find its purpose in creating a fun and loving environment in an outdoor setting with a unique rustic experience, to introduce campers to and help deepen connections with Jesus. During our time there this summer, we were blessed to witness a staff member’s baptism at the pond and the opportunity it provided to explain to campers what it means to give one’s life to Jesus. We truly believe that summer camp provides an amazing opportunity to reach kids with the gospel. It is a place where they can “disconnect” from the virtual and get outside. It’s a place to form friendships and be kids! Plus, when you gather a bunch of young adult staff who love God and want to serve Him, God uses this community and the crazy fun of camp to make Himself known! We are thankful for the many years that God has used BBC to point others to Him and that He is continuing to do so! We are thankful to have been able to serve as a family this past summer.
~ Phil and Kelly Horning
Two Camps in One Summer?!
The 2023 summer staff team wasn’t complete until midway through the summer. Mana “Moana” Acosta and Leah “Patti G” Beachy arrived at BBC in mid July while the rest of the staff team started mid June. The two counselors had spent the first half of their summer working as counselors at Drift Creek Camp in Oregon. Moana and Patti G brought fresh energy, new ideas and the ability to learn quickly how to cook over a fire and the daily flow of camp life at BBC. While each newcomer learned quickly Mana had this to say about the transition:
“I wasn’t fully prepared for the culture shock that accompanied my switch to a camp across the country. After five weeks of forming tight bonds with one staff group, I found myself a newcomer among strangers. I woke up on my first morning at Bethany Birches as a Disney princess named Moana, a skilled firebuilder, a celebrated chef, and a launcher of water trampoliners. Adapting to being an older staff member with a new leadership system of assistant and head counselors was a challenge. Despite the differences in leadership structures, games, and even a new name, what touched me was the shared emphasis at both camps on meeting each camper where they are, embracing them with acceptance and love.”
Leah Beachy found herself spending the second half of her summer at BBC because she had heard positive reports from friends and appreciated the established connection between the two camps as both are part of the Mennonite Camping Association. When asked what she was taking away from a summer of dual camping ministries she responded, “Spending time in camp ministry is an amazing respite from the “real world”. Camp provides a space to reflect on the life you live the other nine months of the year, and it never fails to remind me of what is most important, like building meaningful relationships and consuming as much baked oatmeal as possible. Camp ministry also gently coerces you into doing some of the most silly and undignified things for the sake of the children…which has taught me to be better at just having fun with life, and to care less of what others may be thinking.”
~ Amber “Cheeks” Bergey, Volunteer Coordinator
Board Spotlight: Looking Back
They say that “time flies when you’re having fun.” It’s hard to believe that in just a few months, I will have completed nine years on the Board of Directors. In some ways, it feels like I was much younger when I joined, and in other ways it seems like last week.
Some words that come to mind when thinking about board work, and the directors in general. Passion, integrity, resilience, thoughtfulness, intentionality, team-work, kindness, etc. Assuming the role of board chair stretched me as a leader, but this group of board members, who are so passionate about Bethany Birches Camp and its ministry, made it a privilege to serve in this role. I made mistakes along the way but was given much grace as I grew into my role.
A few years ago, several board members and I attended a conference called Thriving Boards. This conference was the gold standard for everything board related; like how to conduct a meeting, make agendas, take minutes, call for a vote, create a board policy manual, create an executive director contingency plan, fundraising, budgeting, donor relations, and much more.
It was an intense three days, full of training sessions and fellowship with other camp leaders. But the biggest takeaway was the importance of boards focusing on governance. We can get sidetracked at times, like deciding the paint color of a bathroom, or where to buy a new lawn mower. Now we feel comfortable saying “stop, this isn’t governance”, and move on to more important things.
The board has done a great job of focusing our time on the governance of camp, adhering to the bylaws, supporting (and trusting) those in other positions to do their jobs well, and empowering our Director to run camp to the best of his ability. It has been neat to see the transition.
Some of our greatest (and time consuming) accomplishments over the past few years have been the redrafting of the bylaws, the completion of a board policy manual, the review of camp’s compensation schedule, and navigating a global pandemic. In short, BBC was one of the only camps in Vermont that remained open in 2020, because we felt strongly about finding any way possible to fulfill our mission.
As I leave the board in good hands, my prayer is that there will continue to be a constituency of camp supporters that will willingly volunteer and engage in the governance and oversight of this wonderful place called Bethany Birches Camp.
~ Chad Yoder, outgoing board chair
As some of you may know, Vermont experienced an excessive amount of heavy rainfall events this past summer. Most notably, between July 10-11, when we received approximately 9 inches of rain over that 48-hour period (that’s only a few inches short of Hurricane Irene!). We were fortunate to be spared from the most significant damage, aside from an access road at the lower end of the property.
On the morning of the 10th, the kitchen crew pivoted to providing all meals in the pavilion, as all of the shelter’s fire pits either had puddles or streams running through them. I rushed out of the staff cabin and took the gator around the shelters to survey the damage. Many of the trails were completely covered by an inch or more of rushing water. Subsequent days were spent rerouting the remaining streams, rebuilding trails, and, crucially, thanking the Lord for keeping us out of harm’s way.
The counseling staff was incredibly supportive of the maintenance crew during this time. I remember one cabin group smiling while reminding me that, yes, there was still an unintentional water feature running through their eating area. The rain throughout the summer posed some challenges, and the cleanup took our time away from other possible projects, but it certainly made for a memorable summer!.”
~ Sean “Spencer” Smith, summer maintenance manager
Shepherding Includes Going With The Sheep
It’s been an encouraging Fall for me seeing many students who went to camp in the school I teach at and truly seeing the impact it has made. There hasn’t been a week of school yet where a student from my school who went to BBC hasn’t mentioned something about either this summer, next summer, or winter camp! They, like me, can’t wait to go back again!
~ Michael “Toothpick“ Bennett
**Michael Bennett is a local pastor and school teacher, father of campers, and Bethany Birches volunteer. He and his family came to camp this past summer, some to be campers, and some to serve in different roles. We asked him to give you a window into his experience as camp shepherd for two weeks.
Receiving Love and Passing It On
Our kids have been involved with Bethany Birches Camp as campers for many years and recently counselors. They have had a great time at BBC, and they have also come home feeling like they had great experiences where they connected to their counselors and fellow campers. At BBC they gain a closer relationship with nature and God. They make new friends and face challenges such as living outside for a week and cooking their meals on a fire and sleeping in a cabin. They gain confidence and feel the love and care of all the staff at camp. It is a chance to get away from the pressures of the world and just enjoy having fun in nature with their counselors and other kids their age. We feel so fortunate that our kids have a connection to BBC. We really appreciate that they can go to a place where they experience the love of God; where they feel accepted and loved for who they are. It is wonderful to know they are in a loving safe place where they can have fun and talk about God.
When our oldest child, Ben, mentioned that he was interested in being a counselor, we were thrilled. He loved his camp counselors when he was a camper and looked up to them. He could never imagine himself in that role. We e n c o u r a g e d Ben to join the staff of BBC. Now that he is in college, we felt it would be good for him to be able to return to the BBC community in a different role. We knew it was an opportunity he should not miss – it would benefit him in many ways. Ben really enjoyed his time working at BBC this past summer. He was apprehensive before he started, as he was worried about working with kids, and the responsibility of taking care of a cabin full of kids. It was challenging at first, but he loved working with the kids and had so much fun with them. He had such a great experience that he has decided to go back again next summer. He especially enjoyed being a part of a community of faith. The summer was a truly transformative time for him — he gained a lot of confidence being a leader and bonded with the staff. He said he felt closer to God, and it was good to get away from the pressures of college life. Ben said the best thing for him was the relationships he formed with the campers. We’re so grateful that our children have been able to enjoy BBC as campers and counselors. It is such a gift that they can be a part of it!
~ Dave Hershey and Kris Koehne
**Dave Hershey is son of Ken and Joanne Hershey who have been BBC Volunteers for many years dating back to the 70s. Until recently, Ken mowed the camp grounds every summer. Ben joining the staff this past summer reminds us how fun it is to have multi-generation camp families.
Director’s Update and Announcements
Greetings friends! This year’s newsletter includes voices from parents, volunteers and staff. Our goal in sharing from their experiences is to help you connect with what happens at camp.
The Soil and Seed Project
One of those voices is past staffer Greg “Elvis” Yoder who brought the Soil and the Seed Project to my attention. Their work represents one of the ways we like to help campers understand spiritual concepts and practices. Elvis worked at camp, contributed much to our music, and started what some know as “rock the pond.” We demoed the Soil and seed Project at camp this summer and highly recommend it. In their words: The Soil and the Seed Project nurtures faith through music, art, and Little Liturgies for daily and weekly use in the home. These resources help establish new rhythms of faith as together we turn towards Jesus, believing and celebrating the Good News of God’s Love for the whole world. The resources are free and you can find them at: https://www. If you have kiddos at home, give it a try as a post dinner or pre bedtime practice.
School Outings
In other news, we have recently partnered with a few local school groups. It started when a friend and teacher at Woodstock Middle School, Erin Hanrahan, suggested that her class really needed fresh air, a chance to connect more deeply, and to have fun. Her and program director Anna “Meatball” Martin planned two days filled with activities, free time, team building, and of course, food! It felt a lot like a camp program. We are hopeful that the students benefited and went back to school rejuvenated and with renewed hope in their lives. Some other nearby schools have partnered to provide a similar experience for their students. If you are within a school system and interested in this, let us know and we can share some of the options.
Camp Staffing
No doubt you have seen some of your favorite organizations and companies looking to fill open staff roles. Bethany Birches is no different. While we are in conversation with a few past staff and hopeful those folks can meet the needs, current gaps include food service, facilities and maintenance, rental coordination, and bookkeeping. If you know someone who might be a good fit to work within one or multiple of these roles please let me know: brandon@ or call the office at 802-672-5220. On the topic of staffing, join us in praying for and recruiting the winter 2023 seasonal staff and volunteer team. This winter we have planned to host 8 weekend programs including one for Camp Agape and one day for families. Winter camp gives us a chance to fulfill our goal for every young person within a 60 mile radius to have a chance to experience God in community and nature. The staff team utilizes kitchen, facilities, program, and counseling staff. We can use you even if you have only one weekend to join us! And for you teens, there will be an internship program happening each Saturday. DM the Bethany Birches Instagram for more information. There is so much more to share, but, the page is getting shorter. You’ll just have to find your way out here to Bethany Birches to be part of the fun. Come visit, or sign yourself up as a volunteer. Indicate interest by going to our website and hovering over “give” then select “volunteer.” Grace and peace to you,
~ Brandon “Tuna” Bergey, Executive Director
Board Spotlight: Body of Christ and Recruitment
I first came to Bethany Birches Camp in the spring of 2015. Amber (Cheeks) Bergey who was running the program had recently found out she was expecting their first child that summer, so Brandon asked me to help by jumping in as Program Director. I ended up staying for an additional three summers and falling in love with the camp and its mission. However, I also desperately missed my family in Pennsylvania and didn’t enjoy wading through two feet of snow just to get to work many months out of the year. So eventually my wife and I moved back to Pennsylvania where we now reside with our one-year-old son. When the board reached out to me about joining I was ecstatic. As I said, I love the mission and vision of the camp but wasn’t able to support the work of the camp in person. Joining board meetings over Zoom and periodically meeting in person seem like a great way to support BBC while also providing a unique perspective to the board because of my hands-on summer and winter camp experiences.
So far I’ve been incredibly honored to be part of a group willing to donate so freely of their time and skills to further the camp’s mission. In so many ways this small group represents what Paul talked about when he described the Body of Christ. Each one of us has our own experiences and skills that we bring to the table. Some have been on boards before, for some this is their first time. Some have extensive experience working with finances, others can provide well established opinions on construction projects. No one of us alone can do it all, but together we’re honored to provide leadership for the camp and are excited to see Bethany Birches grow. I’m one of a few members on the Board Development Committee. We’re always looking for great people to join the board. As I mentioned above, you don’t need to have board experience. For many of us, our love of BBC is the main reason we joined the board. If you or someone you know would be a great addition to our team please let us know! You can email and we’ll follow up with you.
~ Dan “Chick” Laubach