Archive for March, 2015

“See” Winter at BBC

Waking up to snow this morning reminded me that this is the winter that just won’t quit! And what a winter it has been. Lots of people were on and off the hill to help with the building but my favorite groups continue to be THE CAMPERS! During the month of Feb there were 3 great weekends of winter camp! I recently spoke with a camper who was at snow camp who said she enjoys snow camp even more than summer camp.

The 2015 Snow Camp Season included Bobcat Camp for grades 3-6, Lynx Camp for grades 5-7 and Polar Bear Camp for grades 7-9. Each camp had unique activities like cardboard sled races, snowball olympics and popsicle stick collages. Each camp had different staff and campers. Despite the uniqueness of each weekend all 3 snow camps included time outside enjoying the beautiful (and cold) winter wonderland, learning and asking questions about faith, great food (thanks to many volunteers) and lots and lots of fun!

See the BBC Snow Camps for yourself at these different links and then mark your calendars to join us next year or tell your friends to join us for exciting weekends of camp in the snow!

Bobcat Snow Camp: Pics of Bobcat  and a video with the new BBC Quadcopter!

Polar Bear Snow Camp: Pics of Polar Bear

Lynx Snow Camp: Pics of Lynx

As winter winds down (slowly) we are anxiously awaiting Summer! This summer marks BBC’s 50th summer and the first summer in the new pavi! Don’t miss these exciting milestones at BBC! Sign up for SUMMER CAMP now at

Summer Staff Preview: Nye is Hired!

NYE is coming back for the summer! He’s been at snow camps, he’s volunteered at summer camp and for the first time since 2012 he’ll be at BBC for the entire summer. Read on for why he’s returning and why you should too!!

“I CAN’T WAIT to come back to camp! I’ve been busy stewing my creative juices in my time away from BBC- and I can’t wait to see how having a brand new ENORMOUS pavilion will let us create new games and activities. I can’t wait to do all of my old favorites- the Mudpit, Mission Impossible, Gold Rush- and I even have ideas for awesome NEW games! But I won’t give them away here- come join us at camp this summer to find out!

I can’t wait to worship God, play in the sun, and see you all this summer!


Nye's Commits to BBC for Summer 2015

Nye Commits to BBC for Summer 2015

Nye with Bobcat Campers '14

Nye with Bobcat Campers ’14

Nye At Snow Camp

Nye At Snow Camp

Nye Volunteers at Mission Possible Week '13

Nye Volunteers at Mission Possible Week ’13

Construction Update March 9-27

Construction Update – week of Mar. 9:

Most of the windows are in!  Electrical has begun. Porches are making fast progress.  Staining is happening all week.  The mudroom is being framed.  Many volunteers are in and out and it was great to see 10-15 people on site today including volunteers from Bergey’s Electric and Andy Bird!  Other volunteers this week include Larry Derstine, Roy Schnell, Esther & Ann.

east large porch posts being set

Construction Update – week of Mar. 23:

Electrical rough-in is over half finished. Some foam insulation in the basement area is happening this week. Staining, staining and more staining.  Volunteers continue to be needed on staining and painting.  The mudroom framed and exterior insulation has been added.  After 2 weeks of 10-20 people every day, this week will be slower. Oh, and the big porches.  Doton Design is putting those up as I type.  The biggest posts are 13′ tall and 16″ around at the base.  They look quite fitting next to the 12x16s in the timber frame and the 16″ square steel posts.

Pavi Construction Update Week of Mar. 2:

Weather is getting better!  Today (tues.) being town meeting day meant very few people on site. Happy Birthday to Jerry (of Jenne construction) and a big thanks to Rich Landis and Nanuk for putting a full day in today.

This week brings more heating system work, framing the mudroom, blocking in the walls and the beginning of siding staining.  A big thanks to Fred Schlabach and Paul Derksen for putting in windows yesterday.  Most of the windows are in now which is very exciting.

Volunteer opportunities for the very near future include mudroom framing (skilled), radiant tubing help (un-skilled) and siding staining (un-skilled).  Contact Amber (802-672-5220) to help.

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