Archive for January, 2016

Volunteer to Help Finish the Pavilion at BBC – Feb 6th

2016 is off to a good start at BBC! Framing for the big doors is happening, an inaugural fire was lit in the pavilion fireplace and drywall on the 2nd floor is almost complete. Can you help us keep going?!

Join us on Feb 6th to keep making progress on the 2nd floor of the pavilion AND to transform the pavilion from a construction zone to a snow camp zone! We’ll have work for skilled (hanging pine boards, trim, etc) and unskilled (painting, clean up, organizing, etc) volunteers alike. Coffee Break, Lunch (12:30) and a tubing break for all as well! Please let us know you’re coming so we can plan projects and lunch accordingly. (amber at bethanybirches dot org or call the office 802-672-5220)

The fun will start at 9am. Come for an hour or come for the day.

If you can’t join us on the 6th but would still like to help, please let us know. There are various projects that can be done outside of work days if you have other time you are able to give.
OR if you have a group you’d like to bring for a few days we’d be happy to coordinate that as well.
We are so thankful for your help! Hope to see you on the hill soon,

Amber “Cheeks” Bergey

work day pic

Let the little children VOLUNTEER

The words of Jesus came alive again this week at BBC. But this time, the example isn’t from the hill. It’s from Franconia, PA. Two of BBC’s youngest volunteers were helping to stuff mailboxes with the latest news from BBC. Karly (age 1) and Cameron (age 5) are pictured here.  These two ladies counted and stuffed with the best of them, led by their mom, Kari Landis.

In 3 of the gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) Jesus encourages children to be with him despite the indignation from the adults around him. While we can’t point children towards Jesus in the flesh we can point them towards ways of being like him. Service is one of the ways we can encourage kids to be like Jesus and hopefully experience him.

BBC has opportunities for all ages to serve. Check out the volunteer page of the website for more details or join us at the next pavilion work day, Feb 6th. More details to follow.




Matthew 25: BBC Style


Matthew 25:34 reads: ‘When I was in prison you visited me, when I was hungry, you fed me, when I was stuck on Lynds Hill Road, you pulled me out…’

Actually that last phrase isn’t in the Bible. But the phrase does describe how the Bible came alive last week at Bethany Birches Camp.

I was getting ready to feed Susie when I heard a knock on the sliding door (a common mission impossible destination for many – knocks are not uncommon!).  A man I did not know stood outside our door, looking cold and tired. I opened the door a crack.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Uh, yea,” the man replied. “I’m from VTEL, I’m stuck down the road. Could I use your phone to call a tow truck?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, you may use the phone, come on in.”

“Do you have the number for a local towing company?” The stranger asks sheepishly.

“Uh, sir, you’re in Plymouth, VT. the middle of nowhere. Nothing is local… Let me call my husband at the camp up the road, he’ll know who to call.”

” Oh, just up the road, I can walk up there.”

And after a bit more conversation the cold, tired man trudges up the road towards camp.

About 15 min later, I see Chick on the tractor and Tuna and the stranger in our car driving down the road.

15 min later I see the tractor, the car and a mini van come up the road. The stranger gets out and gives Tuna a hug. The man gave Chick the certificate pictured here.

He wasn’t naked, hungry or in prison. He was stuck. And Chick and Tuna helped him get unstuck.

The words of Jesus continue to come alive at Bethany Birches Camp. Join us on the hill (work days, winter camp, summer camp, volunteering) to experience Jesus for yourself.

Towing Certified

Pavilion Work Continues – Can you help?!

Happy New Year from BBC!

What better way to start the new year than helping build the pavilion at BBC?! There is still lots of work to do on the 2nd  floor of the pavilion including drywall, finishing work, hanging doors and shelving (see pic below). We’d love to have your help!
Join us on January 16th to make progress on the 2nd floor. We’ll start working at 9am with snacks/coffee available all day and lunch at 12:30. Join us for the whole day or just an hour! Specific work
will depend on what skill is available. PLEASE LET US KNOW if you are coming so Phil Wilkerson (construction manager) can plan projects accordingly.
If you can’t join us on the 16th but would still like to help, please let me know. There are various projects that can be done outside of work days if you have other time you are able to give.
OR if you have a group you’d like to bring for a few days we’d be happy to coordinate that as well.

We are so thankful for your help! Hope to see you on the hill soon,

Amber “Cheeks” Bergey

Upstairs unfinished IMG_1898