Posts Tagged ‘Cabin & Fire Marshal’

Occupancy Obtained! THANK YOU

It’s true. Occupancy for the Bethany Birches Cabin has been granted.  Here’s the proof, in fact.

This post is about the people who made it happen and what happened. THANK YOU!

What happened:

  • About a year ago we were informed we’d need to stop using the cabin April 1, 2012
  • The board and I struggled to find a way forward – including how to pay for the upgrades
  • Many people gave of their financial resource generously. Without these folks, we couldn’t have done it:  First Congregational Church of Woodstock, Doug and Becky Clemens, Dave and Beth Anders, Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Bernard Sippin and many others.
  • $75,000 poured in over just a few months.
  • $65,000 has been spent and we’re done meeting the requirements! We expect to use the “extra” toward a few details in the cabin and any additional toward the upcoming Pavilion replacement.  Please do write to me (Brandon) if you’d prefer your gift to be allocated differently.
  • The fire marshals were kind and flexible and helped us create a building that is much safer in case of fire.

Some of the people: (THANK YOU)

  • Robert Buchan – helping with permitting and lending knowledge
  • Paul Derksen & Dave Beidler – carpenters working at a discount seeing the project through
  • Bergey’s Electric – giving materials and sending retired veterans
  • Harold & Esther Bergey, Herb & Janet Frederick – the retired vertans
  • Mike Bryan – overseeing the electrical at a discount
  • Many volunteers came to help
    • The Horsts (Earl, Merle, Mike & Clifford Horst)
    • Joanne & Ken Hershey
    • Leon Kratz
    • Andrew Moyer
    • Matt Haritoonian
    • Greg Jenne
    • Gerry Hawkes
    • Kristopher Blanchard
    • Scott Hepler
    • Dave Doria
    • Tom & Gail Smith
    • Mary Jane Crockett
    • Margaret Campbell
    • Diane Root


Some pictures from the first first stage

Some pictures from the second stage:


How the lofts look upon completion:

Finished Cabin Lofts - Hannah Shelly (4)

Cabin progress – loft ceilings – killer ski cabin near Killington & Okemo

I am encouraged at the speed with which Dave Beidler is moving along in the cabin.  Larry Wilfong joined in to help him recently and they’ve been putting the ceiling in the lofts.

Fire Marshal stopped by yesterday to have a peek. He was pleased.

I continue to be thankful for the many folks who gave to make this necessary project possible.  The cabin is going to be an even better, inexpensive location to host your ski trip in the Green Mountains.

Rent the cabin.

Pictures updated:

Fire Marshal Update – round 2

Some pics from the beginnings of round 2, cabin & fire marshal. Stay tuned for picture progress.

Fire Marshal and Cabin Update

We’ve been hard at work!  So many volunteers have lent a hand as well as paid help.  Paul Derksen of Turning Leaf Houserights

Paul working on exit stair from loft

has been running the construction side of the project and putting paid and volunteer labor to work.  Mike Bryan (electrician) has been working with Harold Bergey and Herb Frederick of Bergey’s Electric to get the necessary electrical work done and Jim at Royal Alarms has been making things happen on the fire alarm side!  We’ve had so many helpers to date and it’s so encouraging.  When this project is finished, we’ll list all those involved.

Something amazing – the giving toward this project.  We’ve had two gifts of $20,000!  Thanks so much to Doug and Becky Clemens and also the First Congregational Church of Woodstock.   It’s just amazing how God moves through people to accomplish things.  Many have given besides these two very large gifts.  We’re so thankful we can keep moving, buying materials and getting everything in place because of this financial support.  And on top of that, Goodro Lumber is giving through a 15% discount on materials and A.M. Goshow and Son supplied the windows for the project.  Robert Buchan Architect has given quite a discounted rate on services.

Pray with us that we’ll be ready for a final inspection by the week of June 11 and that we’ll have necessary lodging for staff and volunteers this summer.  Pray also for wisdom! We want to make good choices about the Bethany Birches facility – choices that will be cost effective but durable and long-lasting.  Choices that will serve the program of the camp extremely well and allow us to continue to create a facility that accomplishes the unique mission God has given to Bethany Birches.

Thanks be to God for all the wonderful people who are coming together to help make this building safer!

And no matter what happens in the cabin, summer 2012 is on and only three weeks away!


Leon working on the exit from the loft

Fire Marshal Update: Call for help

It’s been about two months since the fire marshal’s visit. We continue to be thankful for the way their office is working with us and helping to make the building safer.

Here’s what’s happening this month (May):

  • Electricians are working on the smoke detection system
  • Egress windows being installed
  • Cutting trees for a neighbor to earn cash for the project ($5000!)
  • Stairways being upgraded (smoke proofed)
  • Exit from loft constructed
  • LOTS OF CLEANING afterward!
Will you join us?  Here are some ways to help:
  • Carpentry, building trades – May 21-June1.  We need at least 2 volunteers each day.
  • Cleaning – we’ll need help with this from June 4-8
  • Cooking – particularly things that can be frozen.  Baked goods too. We need some lunches for people working the last two weeks of May.
You can let us know when you’re available and what you can give by filling this form out.  Again, here are the dates:
May 12:                    Spring Workday – come one, come all!
May 21 – June 1: Carpentry and building help
June 4 – June 8: Cleanup and prep for summer


Once we hit June, we hope to have occupancy.  We expect to begin a small addition project that will finish the requirements for the building.  But, because of time, we need to postpone that till August and the fire marshal has been gracious in helping us get a timeline that works.

Join me in praying and hoping for a fun-filled, safe, eternally impacting summer!


Fire Marshal Update

I can’t tell you how good it is to be loved and cared for by a community.  In Bethany Birches’ case, this is a community of love.  A community built on Jesus.  I don’t always know how to articulate what that means, but I write it because this community is different than many.  For example:

  • One of our campers made a $10 contribution to the cabin project.
  • Parents of campers continue to call and write offering whatever they can to help.
  • Two large churches are planning to give to the project in a meaningful way.
What has become clear over the last two weeks is that many have received something special while at Bethany Birches.  Others have received something special by supporting Bethany Birches. They have freely received and so they freely give.  This is the way God’s spirit works and it’s so encouraging to be a part of the receiving side.
It’s starting to look like there’s a good chance we’ll be able to get the cabin in shape by June.  I met yesterday with Robert (architect) and Paul (builder) to start the detailed punch list.  Very exciting.  Within a week or so, we ought to be able to post the dates for a couple work days/weekends.  There’s already a work group planning to come mid April.  If you are or have friends that are skilled in a building trade, contact me and we can find a time for you to get to work!
If you have money you can contribute, you can give through the website or by mail (address: 2610 Lynds Hill Road, Plymouth, VT 05056) or phone (802-672-5220).
Hot off the press – this is from our board meeting last week.  One of the greatest challenges to meet is the required exits for the sleeping lofts. We can’t even put a door on the side near the road because the porch roof from below is in the way.  In order to get the exits needed, we’re planning to move forward with one of our master plan initiatives.  In short, it’s to add adequate bathrooms to the cabin (right now there are two, very small bathrooms).  So, if we put the shell for the bathrooms up now, we can bring the two exits out through that shell.  Yee Ha!
Next up – completion of design and plans to obtain permitting through the fire marshal.
I thank God for each of you and for what God’s spirit will do here at camp this summer!

Fire Marshal Visit

This post is about a sad story.  It’s the story of the BBC Cabin the day the fire marshal came to visit.

Bruce and Jay were friendly and clear.  They have concerns about how quickly people could get out of the building in case of fire.  They gave us a conditional permit, which ends April 1, 2012!  After that, no one can sleep in the building until it’s amended to meet Vermont Life Safety Code.

How big of a deal can 8 violations really be?  Apparently a big enough deal to cost $20-$30K (un-detailed estimate) – YIKES!

So I tell the board.  They wisely came to the decision that now is not the time to upgrade the building as we hope to someday.  We must stay focused on the pavilion project.  We’re oh so close to beginning the fundraising effort for that.  So, the vote is that we amend the building as simply as possible in the least expensive way we can.

For those of you who are wondering about these violations, here’s the first draft of a punch list:

Violation Remedy Notes
1.No Egress window main floor bedrooms Install 1 egress windows in each of four bd. rms. Window to be 5.7 square feet
2.Stairwells out of code . upgrade wall material. install 20 min doors. install closure on door. upstairs build wall . 4 stairwells. drywall. doors
None Add heating in loft Need heating because of closure to lofts
3.No exits in lofts Install exit door in each sided (2 total) Need exit stairway from floor to ground ceiling Install sheetrock
5. inadequate Co2 detectors Install hardwired Co2 with battery back-up Run wires with smoke detect system
6.No smoke detectors in basement Install 2 smoke detectors in basement Part of total smoke detect overhaul
7. no emergency lighting Install emergency lighting system
8. inadequate fire alarm system Install new fire alarm system with communications Clarify what communications system is
None Painting and other touchups related to construction

And so here we are.  We MUST do the above if we want to use the building this summer in program.  CAN YOU HELP US?  HERE ARE A FEW WAYS TO HELP:

  • Give money!  Just the materials are going to cost over $10K (EDIT on 4/6/12 – materials will probably be closer to $30K!).  Send a check or give online here and give to general operations or where needed most.
  • Give time: we’ll need volunteers to do most of the work.  Consider getting a small crew of experienced people together and come up for a weekend.  A few experienced laborers can make a big dent in just two days.  Call the office or email Brandon.
  • Give material: perhaps you own or have influence in a supply chain that could get us sheet rock, lighting, paint, etc.  If it’s in the above list, we need it.

And so the story of an old camp, that’s doing the best it can, continues.

Something very interesting to me is the fact that I had a two hour emotional cycle after the fire marshal’s visit.  At first I was frustrated and annoyed.  Then, humility kicked in.  So often, when I receive correction, direction, instruction, if I am able to release my frustration, I begin to sense God at work.

God, join us in this endevor and in all of our endevors.  I pray that you will bring the resources and people needed to acomplish this change and that it will not distract from the bigger things ahead.