Newsletter 2012: Encouragement in the Face of Challenge

We knew it was going to be a challenge – I remember being in a beautiful place after my frustration subsided upon the fire marshal’s departure. The kind of place in which it’s clear that though this is going to be a hard road to walk, it’s going to be good. It’s a road that God has paved.  And it was. Not only did we receive grace from the fire marshal and volunteers but many gave money. And by the end of December, we should be completed with the cabin fire safety project.

And now we find ourselves facing another challenge: the construction of a new pavilion.  Lots could be said about this project but that will be the topic of future newsletters.  Right now the thing to know is that we’ve begun the fundraising effort. We’re calling the effort Mission Possible: The Pavilion Project. If you have a contribution you’re compelled to make and you’d like to talk about your gift, please contact me at the office (802-672-5220) or by email (

The third challenge on my mind as I write is the mission the camp has been given – to help young people develop their relationship with God by providing them with a Christ-centered camping experience in a natural and nurturing environment.  Inherent is a challenge for staff and campers alike. While we (donors, volunteers, staff) are the helpers, it is the young person and God that must do the relationship building. To become Christ-centered while creating a natural and nurturing setting is a life-long work for each of us.  If we can accomplish it, the world will be changed. As Mission Possible states in its theme verse, this sort of change is only possible with God (Matt. 19:26).

And that’s the encouraging part: that seemingly impossible things are possible.  Then the challenge of life becomes not how to build that building or how to repair a broken relationship but how to join up with the God who instead makes things possible.  If we are willing, God will help in that endeavor too.

Brandon Bergey (Alias: Tuna)

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