Posts Tagged ‘Benefit Auction’

Newsletter 2013: 5 Reasons to Attend the Annual Benefit Auction

Many people have been to the annual benefit auction here at Bethany Birches.  If you aren’t one of those persons, I wanted to give you 5 good reasons why you might enjoy the auction:

  1. A Mercedes Benz will be auctioned with NO reserve price, courtesy of Signal Aviation
  2. There will be free doughnuts and coffee during the preview (9 – 10 am)
  3. A snowmobile will be raffled from June 23-September 28 and the winner drawn that morning
  4. Be AT camp. From the view to the campers to a tasty, no-charge lunch, the auction is a good taste of classic BBC
  5. And of course, Sandy Alderfer (auctioneer) will entertain you with his wit and wisdom

For more information, visit the benefit auction page.


PS – we’re looking for auction donations!

Final Auction Numbers & Pictures!

Last year, the 9th Annual Benefit Auction happened less than a month after Tropical Storm Irene brought devastating effects to Vermont.  The Auction Committee had a brief meeting to decide whether to continue on with the auction.  We decided to give it a try… the auction raised $31,869 (gross) in 2011.  That was an amazing for the camp auction!  The highest auction number before 2011 was in the mid $20K.

I think auction success in 2011 owes thanks to a gift certificate program to help local business, stirred emotions from things like power outages and road closures and a lot of generous people.

To what does the auction owe it’s success this year?  Over $33,000 was raised (gross) – $33, 538 in fact!  If you were at the auction or inspired by it in any way and have some insight on how this year’s auction raised even more money than last year leave a comment, please.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all those who gave generously to support the mission of Bethany Birches Camp and help subsidize camp programs so any camper can come regardless of financial reality!

Quick Links

Pictures from the day

Auction Item Prices

I love the Annual Benefit Auction!  Thanks to Phil, Billy and Mary,  (Lapp, Sneed & Moyer) we had about 370 doughnuts available at no charge.  There were something like 30 left at the end of the day.  There were about 120 there.  Do the math. Almost 3 doughnuts per person!

There will be more to say about it, but right now, I just wanted to highlight an interesting document – the lot list with prices.  It’s astounding.  When I read through this I think – WHOA – what a faithful group of supporters!

Here’s to all of you that help make the camp happen  😀

2012 auction lot list with prices

Mark your calendars for next September!


Online Bidding Almost Closed

The annual Benefit Auction happens tomorrow! IF you can’t make it, get your online bid in by 7pm tonight!  That’s the last chance – after that, it’s closed down so we can take the bids with us to the auction and bid on your behalf.

For those of you that are coming, or could come, here’s what you can look forward to:

World-change.  Seriously. Supporting the auction is supporting a program that is doing it’s best to change the world by helping young people develop a relationship with the only World-Changer there is – God!

Other reasons to come if world-change isn’t enough:
. Fresh-squeezed cider
. Free lunch
. Chance to win a Jeep
. Home-made doughnuts and potato chips
. Bid while facing an incredible view complete with colorful leaves

Each year, the BBC Annual Benefit Auction helps pay for lots of kids to get to camp. All Proceeds go to help kids who can’t pay, get here.  World change or not, that’s pretty cool.

Details here.

See you tomorrow at 9!
