Archive for the ‘Volunteers’ Category

Work Day this Saturday (Oct 24, 2020)

We need your help to prep camp for the coming winter and summer! Here are some of the tasks:
– Clear ski trails
– Cut trees for firewood (have a chain saw?)
– Split and stack wood
– Light leaf work

We will also provide individually wrapped desserts – physical labor earns brownie points and brownies!

October 17th 9am-5pm
October 24th 11am – 3pm*
*This is an update. If you were planning to come earlier or stay later, please just let us know! [email protected] or FB messenger.

More info here:

Work Day Cancelled!

Hey all! The weather strikes again. Since we are expecting snow all day tomorrow, it seems best to NOT be out raking leaves.

However, if you have some free time to give over the next two weeks or so, then we would love your help clearing trails out in the woods.
Let us know what works for your schedule and we will provide the lunch.

Wonder Woman

2018 Fall Work Day

Fall has so many wonderful, seasonal traditions that we all look forward to each year.  These include things like pumpkin spice flavored everything, football games, apple picking, wearing our coziest sweaters- and of course the BBC Annual Fall Work Day!  This is always a great time to get together with our fabulous BBC community in the crisp, fresh air and help prep camp for winter.  This year we are hoping to do a lot of leaf raking, back country ski trail clearing, buttoning up the garden, and some organizing.  Can you help us?

We have set the date for October 27th, from 9:30am-3:00pm, with a hearty lunch provided at 12:30pm. There will be coffee, snacks, and fresh pressed cider to enjoy all day as well.

Feel free to come for some or all of the day.  There will be work available for any age/skill level.  AND – will also have child care provided from 9:30am until lunch.  So bring your kiddos, drop em off and get to work!  Please rsvp if you need childcare (no charge) to [email protected].  Include number and age of kiddos.


Hope to see you there!
Wonder Woman

Work Day Cancelled

Friends – it pains me to make a call based on the weather around here.  As they say, if you don’t like the weather in Vermont, wait 5 minutes. But still, we’re cancelling the work day tomorrow.  Often within 24 hours forecasts are fairly accurate (that’s why we waited until this afternoon to cancel).  We value our volunteers’ time and so here’s what I’m going to propose – you think about a time that works well for you.  Saturday.  Wednesday morning.  Whatever it is.  You let us know and you can come work on any of these projects:

  • Bathhouse floor painting
  • Boiler shed siding
  • Replace the bathhouse walkway
  • Putting in the water trampoline
  • Cutting trees for the new fireside
  • Woodcutting (we plan to hook up the wood boiler to the cabin this year and need a little more wood!)

Contact me in the office at 802-672-5220 or Amber by email [email protected]

Hope to see you up here soon!

Brandon “Tuna” Bergey

Summer Staff Sighting: From Camp Counselor to Veterinarian

Quinzy at Camp10 years ago she was known as a camper.

7 years ago she was a rock star intern.

5 years ago she was a solid staff member.

The last 3 years she’s been our competent life guard trainer.

Right now she’s on her way to becoming a veterinarian at St George’s University in Grenada.

Quincy started to coming to camp at a young age. She completed the BBC internship in 2010 to fast track her to BBC staff as a 17 year old assistant counselor in 2011 and returned as a counselor in 2012 and 2013. She’s also been back to volunteer numerous times since being on staff. Quincy is a top quality person and we are thankful for her service to the youth of VT. We have great confidence she will provide wonderful care to animals just as she did to campers. And if she’s back in the area and a camp pet is sick, we’ll know just who to call.

Can’t wait till we see you on the hill again Quincy!


Work Day Recap – Thanks to All!

Snow covered the ground. The temp was rainy and cool. People were few. A lovely day had by all. All good descriptions of Sat Oct 29th at BBC.

A group of 12 folks worked at getting the grounds ready for winter and tearing out the cabin bathrooms. The volunteers who braved the blustery weather took down tarps at shelters, put away picnic tables, stacked wood, set up sand barrels, cleaned up the garden and disassembled the volleyball net and nine square in the air. The volunteers inside tore apart the cabin bathrooms. In Larry Derstine’s words, “I don’t really like bathroom renovations.”  Well I don’t either but they were in sore need of help.

I was outside a lot of the day. At first I was slightly discouraged by the weather but when I saw Nick Champine’s look of sheer glee as he rode around the gator with Dan “Chick” Laubach I felt much better. A little later Caitlyn “Judith” Laubach and I and enjoyed laughing about cleaning up the garden while it was under snow. I was struck with the odd contentment that accompanies serving alongside others. I got to know people better, help the camp and enjoy yummy lunch with all who were present. I’m reminded Jesus doesn’t encourage us to serve as another set of rules to follow but as a way to experience contentment that is otherwise hard to find.

Volunteers joining us on work days is also what allows BBC to keep costs low for campers. It’s a win-win!

Stay tuned for details for other service opportunities at camp (and if you want to come up now, we’re still working on the bathrooms)!


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