Archive for October, 2018

Work Day Cancelled!

Hey all! The weather strikes again. Since we are expecting snow all day tomorrow, it seems best to NOT be out raking leaves.

However, if you have some free time to give over the next two weeks or so, then we would love your help clearing trails out in the woods.
Let us know what works for your schedule and we will provide the lunch.

Wonder Woman

2018 Fall Work Day

Fall has so many wonderful, seasonal traditions that we all look forward to each year.  These include things like pumpkin spice flavored everything, football games, apple picking, wearing our coziest sweaters- and of course the BBC Annual Fall Work Day!  This is always a great time to get together with our fabulous BBC community in the crisp, fresh air and help prep camp for winter.  This year we are hoping to do a lot of leaf raking, back country ski trail clearing, buttoning up the garden, and some organizing.  Can you help us?

We have set the date for October 27th, from 9:30am-3:00pm, with a hearty lunch provided at 12:30pm. There will be coffee, snacks, and fresh pressed cider to enjoy all day as well.

Feel free to come for some or all of the day.  There will be work available for any age/skill level.  AND – will also have child care provided from 9:30am until lunch.  So bring your kiddos, drop em off and get to work!  Please rsvp if you need childcare (no charge) to [email protected].  Include number and age of kiddos.


Hope to see you there!
Wonder Woman

16th Annual Benefit Auction

The 16th Annual Benefit Auction was great fun and raised over $51,000 for the work of Bethany Birches.  Specifically, that means that many campers who could not afford camp could still come and have a powerful summer and winter camp experience. I am so thankful for all of you generous and gracious people who make camp possible.  Thanks to everyone who donated items, who came out to the event,  who bid on-line, who made food, and who volunteered in numerous ways. We couldn’t do it without you!

On Saturday, we were blessed to enjoy beautiful fall weather for auction day.  The sun was out and the leaves were starting to display their autumn glory.  The morning began with a delicious breakfast of Phil Lapp’s famous donuts (bet you didn’t eat just one), an amazing selection of quiches, fresh fruit,  funny cake, shoe-fly pie (pies courtesy of Landis Supermarket), and lots of coffee and apple cider (thanks for the apples Jeff/Jane and for pressing Mike!).  It was just the thing to fuel everyone up for the active bidding that was to come.

We unveiled this year’s mug design as well as the new auction logo – and both were received with enthusiasm.  Plus – all those who joined the “mug club” got to enjoy endless beverage refills throughout the day. What a deal! 

The preview hour was a great opportunity to check out the silent auction tent, as well as to start strategizing which items to bid on in the live auction.  Once Sandy (of Sanford Alderfer Real Estate), the auctioneer, took the microphone we were were off and running.  He has such a great energy and he keeps the bidder numbers popping up all over the room.  There were certainly some items for which the bidding was quite competitive, and that was really fun to watch (I, Wonder Woman was very excited to win one of the Penn View Farm Chocolate Milks that I had my eye on!).  Here’s a list of all the items in the live auction and their selling prices.

The event wrapped up with a fantastic lunch spread, and time to savor good food and conversation around the picnic tables.  The kids enjoyed running around at the playground as well.  We all had full stomachs, and even fuller hearts.

There were many special moments last Saturday.   Two of my favorite moments were listening to a supporter who talked about reconnecting with childhood friends at the auction and watching two current campers attempt auctioning for themselves!  In fact, here they are:

Here’s another take from the budding auctioneers:

So go ahead and mark your calendars for next year, September 28, 2019.  See you there!

On behalf of the auction committee,

Tuna and Wonder Woman

(Brandon Bergey, Courtney Hollingsworth)