Pavilion Work Continues – Can you help?!

Happy New Year from BBC!

What better way to start the new year than helping build the pavilion at BBC?! There is still lots of work to do on the 2nd  floor of the pavilion including drywall, finishing work, hanging doors and shelving (see pic below). We’d love to have your help!
Join us on January 16th to make progress on the 2nd floor. We’ll start working at 9am with snacks/coffee available all day and lunch at 12:30. Join us for the whole day or just an hour! Specific work
will depend on what skill is available. PLEASE LET US KNOW if you are coming so Phil Wilkerson (construction manager) can plan projects accordingly.
If you can’t join us on the 16th but would still like to help, please let me know. There are various projects that can be done outside of work days if you have other time you are able to give.
OR if you have a group you’d like to bring for a few days we’d be happy to coordinate that as well.

We are so thankful for your help! Hope to see you on the hill soon,

Amber “Cheeks” Bergey

Upstairs unfinished IMG_1898

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