The Musser Family Returns to Bethany Birches
By: Aldine Musser
In July 1984 we (Jim & Aldine) moved to Vermont with our two young daughters. Crystal was not quite 3 and Sheri was 11 months old. Our third daughter, Melody, arrived 4 years later. Bethany Birches Camp was a special place for our family for 17 years. We eagerly looked forward to spending the summer at BBC with staff and campers, many who were our friends and neighbors.
For Jim’s 76th birthday we decided to return with our children, their spouses and children.
We walked around the grounds to every shelter and shared the memories of staff we knew who had been counselors in that shelter or memories of our daughters being a camper in one of the shelters. The paths from one shelter to another were much the same as 40 years ago.
We have memories of cooking over the fire and also singing at firesides with the words written on a posterboard. Reconnecting with folks from Taftsville Chapel, Bethany Mennonite and friends from the village over a picnic lunch was a great way to end our memory visit.
James and Aldine Musser were the executive and program directors. Learn more about their tenure, and other camp happenings with The First Fifty Years sold here: www.bethanybirches.org/50
Tags: excited for camp, Newsletter, Rent Camp, staff, Staff Returning, why camp