
As some of you may know, Vermont experienced an excessive amount of heavy rainfall events this past summer. Most notably, between July 10-11, when we received approximately 9 inches of rain over that 48-hour period (that’s only a few inches short of Hurricane Irene!). We were fortunate to be spared from the most significant damage, aside from an access road at the lower end of the property.

On the morning of the 10th, the kitchen crew pivoted to providing all meals in the pavilion, as all of the shelter’s fire pits either had puddles or streams running through them. I rushed out of the staff cabin and took the gator around the shelters to survey the damage. Many of the trails were completely covered by an inch or more of rushing water. Subsequent days were spent rerouting the remaining streams, rebuilding trails, and, crucially, thanking the Lord for keeping us out of harm’s way.

The counseling staff was incredibly supportive of the maintenance crew during this time. I remember one cabin group smiling while reminding me that, yes, there was still an unintentional water feature running through their eating area. The rain throughout the summer posed some challenges, and the cleanup took our time away from other possible projects, but it certainly made for a memorable summer!.”

~ Sean “Spencer” Smith, summer maintenance manager

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