Board Spotlight: Body of Christ and Recruitment

I first came to Bethany Birches Camp in the spring of 2015. Amber (Cheeks) Bergey who was running the program had recently found out she was expecting their first child that summer, so Brandon asked me to help by jumping in as Program Director. I ended up staying for an additional three summers and falling in love with the camp and its mission. However, I also desperately missed my family in Pennsylvania and didn’t enjoy wading through two feet of snow just to get to work many months out of the year. So eventually my wife and I moved back to Pennsylvania where we now reside with our one-year-old son. When the board reached out to me about joining I was ecstatic. As I said, I love the mission and vision of the camp but wasn’t able to support the work of the camp in person. Joining board meetings over Zoom and periodically meeting in person seem like a great way to support BBC while also providing a unique perspective to the board because of my hands-on summer and winter camp experiences.

So far I’ve been incredibly honored to be part of a group willing to donate so freely of their time and skills to further the camp’s mission.  In so many ways this small group represents what Paul talked about when he described the Body of Christ. Each one of us has our own experiences and skills that we bring to the table. Some have been on boards before, for some this is their first time. Some have extensive experience working with finances, others can provide well established opinions on construction projects. No one of us alone can do it all, but together we’re honored to provide leadership for the camp and are excited to see Bethany Birches grow. I’m one of a few members on the Board Development Committee. We’re always looking for great people to join the board. As I mentioned above, you don’t need to have board experience. For many of us, our love of BBC is the main reason we joined the board. If you or someone you know would be a great addition to our team please let us know! You can email [email protected] and we’ll follow up with you.

~ Dan “Chick” Laubach

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