Annual Benefit Auction 2020: A Virtual Treat ?
Dear Camp Friends,
Save the date, mark your calendars: Our 18th annual benefit auction has been set for the weekend of November 6-8!
Yes, it will be happening virtually, over the course of a few days. We are working out the details and here’s what we know will be included so far:
- Live bidding. Our auctioneer, Sandy Alderfer, who has been with us since day one, will be live for an hour (virtually), doing what he does best: giving you a hard time and convincing you a pint of maple syrup really is worth $200! This will be interactive with Sandy.
- Multi day, online bidding. If you are not familiar with this style, in short, it works like our silent auction does. You bid, then someone outbids you. You get a notification if you are outbid. There is an end time at which the highest bidder wins.
- Online shopping. You’ll be able to buy things like camp store swag, items from local businesses, and of course, you’ll be able to buy your mug club mug. (This will be shipped to your house before the live component of the auction so you can enjoy during the auction!)
- The Mug Club! It will be shipped to your house before the live component of the auction so you can enjoy during the auction.
- Matches. Not for building fires… we’re talking dollars! Do you have interesting in putting up a match toward an item or special project? Special projects include a new camp SUV, the rock wall in the pavilion, and of course, the ever popular Kids To Camp fund. Let Brandon know if you would like to talk more about this.
While the world looks strange right now, and we have decided to go online for this event, we are excited to spend that weekend with you in a new way. We’ll share stories from this summer at camp, and have some classic auction items available to purchase that weekend too. The auction committee is working hard on some creative ideas to make this year memorable and fun, and especially to retain as much normalcy as we can.
On the topic of normalcy, check out this video from summer 2020.
To stay up to date on all future auction communications subscribe to our email list and encourage others who are interested to do so.
The auction is one of the highlights of our year, and a huge fundraising opportunity for camp, particularly for camper scholarships that make it possible for so many kids to come and experience BBC.
We look forward to sharing more info on the auction soon!
Kellyn “Benji” Boyden
Media and Communications Manager
p.p.s. Volunteers! If interested in volunteering for any of these things, please reply.
- Auction
- Lawn mowing
- Bookkeeping
- Woodcutting
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