Archive for May, 2018

4th of July Family Cookout

Each summer, as I talk with parents, the thing I hear most often is that parents wish they could come to camp. Well now you can! This year, come spend 4th of July at Bethany Birches with your child! If your camper is signed up for Core B (July 1-6) you are officially invited to join them for a special 4th of July Family Cookout! Come to camp and swim in the pond, jump on the Water Trampoline, enjoy some hamburgers, and attend a BBC Fireside all with your child! The day will end in the evening with a Sparkler Party!

Check out the general schedule below:

3:15 Parents Start Arriving, head down to Pond to play games, go boating, fishing, swimming, etc all with your child, their friends, and their counselor

4:55 BBC Jump Contest

5:15 4th of July Cookout!

6:30 Clean up and Change

7:30 Family Fireside

8:15 Sparkler Party

8:45 Parent Send Off (See you on Friday!!)


If your child is registered for a different session and you want to switch to Core B or add Core  B as a second session, so you can join them on July 4th, just call the camp office: 802-672-5220


Want to come to camp but don’t have a child attending Core B? Check out Summer Family Fun Day on June 16th!


We hope to see you here!

Shamu reports from India

Counselor Shamu is back for another round!  He checked in a few weeks ago from India. He’s tired and thankfully, will have time to rest up before summer camp.

Prom: a fun evening!

We were very glad to host the Woodstock Union High School Prom here at camp last weekend.  Thanks to you juniors and planning committee for selecting Bethany Birches.  We hope to see you back again next year!

Check out some of the pictures here from the Vermont Standard.

Brandon “Tuna” Bergey

p.s. a big congrats to Margo Marrone on her recent retirement.  We were also very for her party to be hosted here at camp this past weekend.

Work Day Cancelled

Friends – it pains me to make a call based on the weather around here.  As they say, if you don’t like the weather in Vermont, wait 5 minutes. But still, we’re cancelling the work day tomorrow.  Often within 24 hours forecasts are fairly accurate (that’s why we waited until this afternoon to cancel).  We value our volunteers’ time and so here’s what I’m going to propose – you think about a time that works well for you.  Saturday.  Wednesday morning.  Whatever it is.  You let us know and you can come work on any of these projects:

  • Bathhouse floor painting
  • Boiler shed siding
  • Replace the bathhouse walkway
  • Putting in the water trampoline
  • Cutting trees for the new fireside
  • Woodcutting (we plan to hook up the wood boiler to the cabin this year and need a little more wood!)

Contact me in the office at 802-672-5220 or Amber by email [email protected]

Hope to see you up here soon!

Brandon “Tuna” Bergey