The Seasons of Camp
The seasons of camp come and go, like the leaves and the snow. Brandon, Dan, the staff, and board of directors work hard in between seasons to fulfill the mission of Bethany Birches Camp. Although summer and winter camp programs reflect our primary seasonal focus, much of the planning and fundraising occurs during the spring and fall as evident at the Benefit Auction. There is no better place to observe the dynamic seasons of camp life (and nature) than in Plymouth, Vermont.
First we reflect on our successes, our challenges, our opportunities, and the impact we’ve made on the lives of those the camp serves. We review our finances, meet with donors, review camp policy, analyze and benchmark ourselves against similar organizations, and make changes as needed. Then it’s time to plan for the next season, recruit volunteers, and repeat the process all over again.
It is a laborious, yet fruitful exercise in teamwork; a labor of love, all for the purpose of helping campers experience God’s love. As one of the “newbies” on the board, I have come to appreciate the passion and dedication that lie within each member. We are a diversified group of people who love the camp, all with our own unique gifts and abilities to share.
Our common link is a fierce desire to see Bethany Birches Camp make an impact in the lives of the children in the community we serve. And so we repeat the process again and again, like Vermont’s changing of the seasons.
Chad Yoder, Board Member
Tags: 2016 Fall Newsletter, Board of Directors, Fall Foliage, WinterComments are closed.