Archive for September, 2013

Benefit Auction 2013 Gross Totals

Greetings Friends!  Here’s a message I wrote internally just now (to board, staff and auction committee).  It’s so exciting I just HAD to share it with everyone!


I just did the math and here’s what it seems we’ll receive (gross) when all payments are made.  This of course does not include any further rounding up people may do ( or any mistakes I’ve made!).  I’ll publish the net when we finalize that and receive outstanding payments.

Source Amount
Cashier including (live and silent bidding and raffle tix paid cash/check) 24500
Bidding (live and silent NOT paid to date) 3830
Bidding (live and silent paid by Credit Card) 9146
Snowmobile Raffle sold BEFORE auction 980
Cash Box From food/beverage 540

TOTAL = $38,996.

When we add the match to that we’ll be pushing $60K raised from the day!!!  As a German-speaking friend of mine says: “awe inspiring”
Thanks to each of you for your part in making the day a success and for your commitment to helping young people develop their relationship with God!
To God be all praise, honor and thanks!  And to many who gave items to be sold and who bid on those items.  As the saying goes, “it takes a village.”  Here at camp, we say it takes a community of love.  And how fun to be part of that community!
In case you missed out on the fun, you can do three exciting things from this post:
[button-medium color=”green” link=””]Get Camp Emails[/button-medium]     [button-medium color=”green” link=””]View Winning Bids[/button-medium]    [button-medium color=”green” link=””]Make A Donation[/button-medium]

Online Auction Bidding Form

Place your online auction bids from the item of the day email below. You can also visit the total listing here.

The form has been taken down for this year’s auction.  We hope you can make it out to the event Saturday!  If not, plan to join us September 27, 2014 for next year’s event!


Greetings friends!  I’m pasting the Annual Benefit Auction Online Bidding Form here so that those who are receiving the item of the day email can come straight here and place bids.  Not receiving the item of the day emails?

[button-medium color=”green” link=””]Sign up for emails[/button-medium]


Stay at BBC to enjoy the BEAUTY of Fall Foliage

It’s beginning to look a lot like…FOLIAGE SEASON! The fall foliage season in Vermont has been described as:

“The unbearably beautiful American time and place. Brilliant yellow birch-covered hills slope down to glowing green meadows. Every sugar maple along every country lane combusts in scarlet and gold. The intensity of the season so overpowers the senses that autumn cannot be remembered one year to the next, so its splendor always comes as a shock.” – Charles Kuralt

There is no better place to view the bursting colors than the BBC Cabin!

– Share the beauty with your family and take in the colors while playing on the playground, kayaking in the pond, or exploring the forest. Make memories while having an adventure at a nearby attraction be it hiking, shopping or eating!

– If you’re in need of a quiet, peaceful retreat after a busy summer and a chaotic back to school season come to camp to enjoy the colors from a quiet hill top.

– Or come to BBC simply to support the camp’s mission of helping youth develop their relationship with God. All the while you can enjoy God’s surrounding creation and renew your own relationship with God.

No matter what the reason we want to share BBC’s view with you!

Reserve The Cabin


Use the links below or call/email the BBC office for help in planning a memorable, breathtaking fall getaway! (camp at


Killington Area (~20 min from BBC):

Killington Hay Festival, Killington Gondola Rides, Hiking, Golfing

Woodstock Area (~ 30 min from BBC):

Billings Farm, Craft Fairs, Hiking, Flea Markets, Great Food!

Ludlow Area (~20 min from BBC):

Hiking, Farmer’s Markets, Train Rides, Antique Car Shows, Golfing


Additional pics of foliage beginning around BBC:

Foliage Begins near Bathhouse

Foliage Begins near Bathhouse

Foliage Begins near the Parking Lot

Foliage Begins near the Parking Lot

Why Camp Counseling Is One Of Your Best Resume Builders

“It’s a good thing they hire 20 yr olds because they are the only people crazy enough to do it!” A current friend of mine and a former BBC counselor was recently referring to the job of camp counseling. It is a crazy job. At BBC counselors care for kids 23/5.  Counselors are responsible for cooking meals for campers, sharing Jesus with campers, consistently increasing the fun quotient and creating community among a group of young people who have just met each other. Talent, patience and a desire to keep learning are required for this type of job. Each summer BBC recruits high quality young adults to serve as camp staff. No wonder I miss them so much when they leave!

My friend and I are not the only ones to notice the high quality of camp counselors. An article in Time Magazine reports that “many educators have come to recognize that summer camp, and specifically being a counselor, fosters precisely the skill that we value so highly in young adults: taking responsibility.” The article suggests camp counselors should receive more notice and benefit because “the camp-counselor experience prepares successful young adults through teamwork, empathy, cross-cultural understanding, ability to work with subordinates and superiors, creativity, working under pressure and managing with limited resources.” What other experience packs this type of learning and development?

After reflecting on this past summer at BBC I find myself so thankful for the staff who spent 8 weeks helping the youth around them develop their relationship with God and who continue to develop themselves into people who will surely spread God’s kingdom here on Earth.

Read more from the Time Magazine Article here:



Let your teen (17 year old) do whatever they want

In his blog post, Jonathan McKee explains an experiment he and his wife performed on their teenager.  He writes:

Our theory was basically this:  Start strict, and loosen up as our kids get older, eventually freeing them from all boundaries by age 17½.

Guess how it went… not bad!  In fact, it allowed their daughter to begin a deeper relationship with them.  Their idea was that at age 18 she can do whatever she wants. The figured they may as well let her start doing that at 17½ so that  they would still have some influence before she left the house.

Jonathan writes:

Discussions with us were no longer about trying to convince us to give her permission—she already had that. Now conversations were about what she was learning from her decisions, good and bad.

She began talking with us about decisions even more. When she wanted to drive over 2 hours to San Francisco with her friends (the furthest she had ever driven), she wanted to know all about traffic, directions and safety. Not because we made her, but because we were “safe” to talk with.

Genius parenting!  Now when she leaves for college, she may stay in touch.  I’d encourage you to read the whole article.

What do you think?  Want to try this out when your son or daughter hits 17½?
