Archive for July, 2013

BBC Newspaper- Rouke

Every week at camp there is a newspaper interest group. Campers get to interview staff, spy around camp, and write stories. These reports then get turned into articles which they type up for the newspaper that gets distributed at the end of the week. This year we decided it would be fun to share some of them here on the blog. Here are some stories about one of the male counselors here that inspired some creative stories:


Rouke is usually a normal person by day, but on a night of a full moon he starts to transform. Although he always has bushy hair on his head and his voice is dark, deep, low and mysterious. His teeth are like little daggers hanging out of a small mouth; by the way he loves to

Catch Frisbees by his mouth. His eyes have that evil glare in them. Detective Anastasia gives us more answers to unravel this mystery. At only age twenty one who knows what he will be capable of in the future? If you have any questions contact the expert [email protected]”.

                                   Thanks you’ll be hearing from us again;)

                                            BY LILIA, AMBER, Bitty

The Chronicles of BBC part 1: The werewolf, the elves, and the Matchbox

One VERY Rainy day these young Elves went the swallow Lair. The young boy wolves were getting ready to eat. A few were howling and complaining about being hungry. Rouke (The Were wolf!) growled at them to stop! The beautiful eleven princess Quinzady came over to ROUKE and saw he was struggling to light his damp matches. She used her powers to light the Damp matches. Rouke looked up and smiled. Quinzady looked down and smiled when she saw his fangs popping out of his mouth. The little girl elves were hanging out and that’s when the AWESOME Sparkles the Fairy and (meah) Finn the troll came! After thay ate Venison sausage and Dragon Eggs they left and Rouke howled ot the full moon! (NOt really!)

p.s. this is a TRUE story exept all the mytical creatures!)

                            By: Chloe Marie J

Voyager Nature Art

Another fun week with wild wednesday interest groups dedicated just to nature. Here are the outcomes of nature art!
