Archive for December, 2012


This blog entry from Peg Smith, the CEO of American Camp Association caught my attention today.  It is in response to the Sandy Hook shooting. It is relevant to our faith. It is relevant to the question: how should I parent? And, am I raising my child well?

It seems to me the heart of her answer is a command: Transform.  Or, Grow.

Peg writes:

Can I find a way to help parents understand that as much as we may want to wrap our children in a cocoon that we must realize that environments that help young people to engage, explore, and experience how to learn about and understand others are more important than ever? Authentic connections are as imperative as the ability to accomplish math.

May God transform each of us as we seek to love instead of all other alternatives.


Cabin progress – loft ceilings – killer ski cabin near Killington & Okemo

I am encouraged at the speed with which Dave Beidler is moving along in the cabin.  Larry Wilfong joined in to help him recently and they’ve been putting the ceiling in the lofts.

Fire Marshal stopped by yesterday to have a peek. He was pleased.

I continue to be thankful for the many folks who gave to make this necessary project possible.  The cabin is going to be an even better, inexpensive location to host your ski trip in the Green Mountains.

Rent the cabin.

Pictures updated:

Help on Sat. Dec. 8


This Saturday, December 8, we could use your help.  Here’s what’s going on:

  • Painting of the easiest kind – priming a brand new wall with nothing on it!
  • Installing a sub-floor in a basement
  • Putting the ice rink boards up if time and weather allow

If you can come, just reply in the comments and let me know your time-frame.  Even a couple hours will be helpful.


Mid-Week Ski Deals

If you like to ski/snowboard/spend time in the green mountains in the winter AND you care deeply about furthering God’s Kingdom here on Earth, keep reading! BBC has developed a wonderful opportunity for your passions to intersect:

We are offering a rate of $15/person/night for midweek rentals this winter. This offer is good for any church-going group starting NOW through April 2013. You must reserve a minimum of 2 nights and cannot combine this offer with any others. You’ll be eligible for the whole cabin with 10 more than 10 people. Minimum of 4 people or $60 charge. Mention the “church goer” discount when making your reservation.

It’s a win win! You get to enjoy a few days of adventure in the snowy green mountains all while helping BBC continue working towards helping youth develop their relationship with God.

To make a reservation visit this page or email [email protected] or call 802-672-5220.

Hope to see you this winter!


Fire Marshal Update – round 2

Some pics from the beginnings of round 2, cabin & fire marshal. Stay tuned for picture progress.