Houses, Pavilions, Cabins, Oh My!

Above: Lynx snow-campers enjoying the cabin before we got the bad news. What great fun a weekend of camp in the winter can be!
When I (Brandon) started at Bethany Birches in 2004 there was a Director’s Residence in the works.  By the spring of 2005 I was living in that residence.  Shortly after that we as an organization began to think about the challenges the pavilion presented for emerging programs as well as the support of our key program: summer camp!  We’ve been moving very cautiously on that project, simply because we weren’t exactly sure how to proceed.  And now we are putting together the Resource Development Team in order to begin the fundraising.

As we were making decisions about the pavilion replacement project with our chosen consultant, Design Group International, the Fire Marshal paid the cabin a visit.  Not surprisingly he had concerns!  We can’t use it this summer unless we complete certain work by then and obtain a temporary occupancy permit.  For more on the cabin, see “Cabin Update”.

On top of all this facility update, we’re planning to finish the basement of the Director’s Residence this summer thanks to Austin Landes of IT Landes and Souderton Mennonite Church among others.  And so here we are, in the middle of one major project (Cabin) planning for an even bigger project (Pavilion) and planning for a minor project (finishing basement at Directors Residence).  All we really have is a prayer, a lot of excited, willing and generous people and the cash that’s in the bank (less than $100,000).  We’re thankful.  Thankful for the opportunity to walk with a God who calls us beyond the completion of a project, beyond nice buildings or buildings at all, beyond program and all the great, fun things that happen at summer camp.  A God that invites us to be part of the greatest community of love there ever was.  Thankful for some people who responded to the vision God placed in their heart many years ago.   Thankful for those that are responding to the needs of Bethany Birches now.  And thankful that we can begin this crazy time with at least some cash!

Surely this is The Church in action.  All working together so that young people will come to know the One That is Good.  For stories about how the vision of Bethany Birches is working out, check out this video: Stories of Camp from Blooming Glen – Brandon Bergey


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