April Monthly Contact

Each month, I write an email to some of Bethany Birches’ supporters.  The topics and content vary.  I share from my heart in these emails, about things that have happened at camp that I just love! A lot of times, I highlight something that one of our campers or staff has written or done.  And, what would a note to supporters be without updates and sharing of needs?!  Expect that too.  Here’s April’s update.

You can subscribe to this update if you’d like right here.

The latest need:

One Response

  1. Landon Buckland says:

    Hello there… 🙂

    I just have a question. I am a web designer looking for new clients and I wanted to see if you are interested in redesigning your website or making some upgrades. I don’t want to sound like I’m “tooting my own horn” too much, but I can do some pretty amazing things, not only design-wise, but with adding features to your site that automate your business processes, or make your marketing phenomenally easier.

    I’d love to talk with you about some options if you’re interested, so please let me know if you would like to know more about what I can do. I’ll be happy to send some info and setup a call.

    Thank you so much for reading this!

    Kind regards,
    Landon Buckland