Fire Marshal Update
I can’t tell you how good it is to be loved and cared for by a community. In Bethany Birches’ case, this is a community of love. A community built on Jesus. I don’t always know how to articulate what that means, but I write it because this community is different than many. For example:
- One of our campers made a $10 contribution to the cabin project.
- Parents of campers continue to call and write offering whatever they can to help.
- Two large churches are planning to give to the project in a meaningful way.
What has become clear over the last two weeks is that many have received something special while at Bethany Birches. Others have received something special by supporting Bethany Birches. They have freely received and so they freely give. This is the way God’s spirit works and it’s so encouraging to be a part of the receiving side.
It’s starting to look like there’s a good chance we’ll be able to get the cabin in shape by June. I met yesterday with Robert (architect) and Paul (builder) to start the detailed punch list. Very exciting. Within a week or so, we ought to be able to post the dates for a couple work days/weekends. There’s already a work group planning to come mid April. If you are or have friends that are skilled in a building trade, contact me and we can find a time for you to get to work!
If you have money you can contribute, you can give through the website or by mail (address: 2610 Lynds Hill Road, Plymouth, VT 05056) or phone (802-672-5220).

Hot off the press – this is from our board meeting last week. One of the greatest challenges to meet is the required exits for the sleeping lofts. We can’t even put a door on the side near the road because the porch roof from below is in the way. In order to get the exits needed, we’re planning to move forward with one of our master plan initiatives. In short, it’s to add adequate bathrooms to the cabin (right now there are two, very small bathrooms). So, if we put the shell for the bathrooms up now, we can bring the two exits out through that shell. Yee Ha!
Next up – completion of design and plans to obtain permitting through the fire marshal.
I thank God for each of you and for what God’s spirit will do here at camp this summer!
Tags: Cabin & Fire Marshal
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