Winter Camp Food Help
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Hi Friends,
Greetings from BBC! We’ve had a couple of snow falls already so we are full speed ahead to snow camps!
Can you help us with snow camps? Cooking continues to be one of the biggest challenges to running snow camps. Last year it was a big help to the volunteer cooks to pull frozen meals out of the freezer and pop in the oven. We’d like to do that again this year.
This is where YOU can help: Below is a list of seemingly kid friendly meals that could be frozen until snow camps. Make as many of each or choose from a couple. If you have additional ideas for freezer meals, by all means, let me know and cook away, keeping in mind that we like to have the same thing for everyone at meals. So if we find ourselves with one exotic casserole, we may save it for a staff/volunteer celebration dinner:)
The freezers are on now! You can help at winter camps anytime from now till January! Drop meals off at camp anytime between now and Jan 8th. We’re here most days at least from 10-5. If we’re not here, the freezer is in the basement of the cabin, right outside the office. If you’re at Bethany Mennonite Church on a Sunday morning, please feel free to hand off the meal to me there as well!
Don’t let distance keep you from contributing. We’re frequent travelers of Rt 4 so if you want to meet somewhere on Rt 4, just give a call to set something up. If you’re in the SE PA area, you can drop meals off at Rich and Lucy Landis’ home and I’ll pick them up next time we’re in the area (Dec and Jan; Call 802-672-5220 for directions/details.).
Thanks in advance for your help and support! Amber Bergey
Potential Freezer Needs
Lasagnas/Baked Ziti Mac & Cheese Chicken Corn Casserole MeatLoaf Stromboli/Pizza Enchilada Casserole Shepherd’s Pie Meatballs
Chicken Noodle Soup Corn Chowder Chili Tomato Soup Broccoli Cheese Soup Potato Soup
Applesauce Cookies (all varieties) Brownies Cakes/Cupcakes
Egg Casseroles Shoo Fly Pie
Funny Cake Sticky Buns
Coffee Cake
Won’t be long till winter!

With holiday baking, I can bake some extra cookies. I can also make chili (Cole’s favorite) and broccoli cheddar soup (one of Kate’s favorites). I can also do a baked ziti and possibly a mac & cheese. Kate loves to cook so I’m sure she will want to pitch in and give me a hand.
That’s great Debbie! Thanks so much for figuring out ways you can help.
If you find that your getting a lot of offers for supper casseroles and soups, I would be happy to change mine to breakfast casseroles. I have an excellent recipe that uses eggs, cheese, sausage/ham, hash browns, peppers and onions. I’m happy to helpout where ever I can.
Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for all this. We do have quite a few supper meals coming our way, so breakfast casserole sounds great. The soups would be great too. Thanks for your help!
I will bring a couple breakfast casseroles, a couple of soups/chili and an assortment of cookies. I’m already baking cookies for Christmas so adding a couple more dozen or so will be easy. We will get them down there to the freezer by Jan.8.