Replacement (more from the master planning process)

It was a beautiful day. We decided to have our board meeting in the pavilion. The purpose of this meeting was to review the three proposals I received from three different consultants. See, we have never ventured into such a large fundraising event as we need to now. We felt we needed help. After much debate and regardless of concerns about whether we should spend our money this way, we decided to hire Design Group to help us plan for our upcoming fundraising campaign.

We haven’t been sad yet. Mark Vincent, the consultant who is working with us, has been doing a good job thus far. In October, we held three focus groups. These groups were held for two reasons: 1) to start sharing the need to replace the pavilion and 2) so that Mark could get a deeper understanding of how much the BBC Community is interested in supporting this project. How can he advise us without talking to you, the supporters and volunteers of the camp?

These focus groups, a survey and phone interviews along with a review of our internal procedures and abilities are all part of what Design Group calls a Readiness process. By the end of December we will have their report. After that, we will come together as a board and decide how to pursue this need for a replaced pavilion. And then we’re into the fundraising.

I see these as exciting times. Our board is extremely unified. We have extra opportunities to talk with supporters of the camp and we get to look seriously at how to fulfill our mission of helping young people develop their relationship with God through a Christ-centered camping experience in a natural and nurturing environment. Ye ha!

Learn more about specific pavilion plans

Brandon Bergey, Executive Director

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