Pilgrim 2011, What have you learned?

I took a couple weeks off from creating this segment and I forgot just how much I love it. For one, it really says something that has lasting value, it speaks to the core of the mission of this camp. However, I also really love creating these clips because I learn so much from the process. The things the campers say are good reminders for my own life and I am let in to see what has really been taking place in their minds and hearts over the week. I often get discouraged because the fruit of presenting God to these kids is not always immediately evident. Sometimes we have to be content with the possibility of having started a spark. Intentionally questioning the campers about God and Jesus provides a way to see some campers who are really beginning to know their creator. Hearing their beliefs and words of faith is beautiful.

Although I decided not to include repeat answers in the clip, I would like to point out that numerous campers replied with “God knows more about us than we know about ourselves.” Although this is something that I already knew, it’s something I constantly forget to live cognizant of. Going along with that, another important concept that was brought up this week was how we tend to “focus on that tiny thing that went wrong, but God sees the whole picture and it’s really beautiful.”  So often I often try to plan for something in the future, like college or a job for the summer. I think I know best what I would like to do (etc.) and so I get upset when what I tried to put together falls through or turns out differently than I had envisioned. Yet every time when God opens a door and says “follow me”, I look back and realize God placed me right where I needed to be, in a place my heart desired even though I wasn’t aware. What an awesome God we serve.

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