Discover 2011, What have you learned?

This week’s shepherd, Roon, was a real blessing to both campers and staff. After asking several campers what they had learned about God/Jesus through Roon’s teaching I noticed that there was a one message that had really stuck with them. The last night of fireside the campers had the opportunity to write something they wanted to give to God on a card and then throw it into the fire. After all week hearing Roon share parts of her life story and then hearing some testimonies from some staff, the campers responded thoughtfully. Many of them for the first time saw how God allows us to go through the fire in order to refine us. That with God at work in us, there is purpose in pain. So many campers commented on how our experiences and hardships make us who we are today. At the same time, as a new creation in Christ Jesus, it is our relationship with Him that defines us, not our past.

Once again, I was astounded at the depth of these simple, yet vital, truths that the campers expressed.

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