Review: How have you changed? Staff Orientation

One of the many rewarding aspects of working at a children’s camp is watching the campers change as they learn over the course of the week. It seemed appropiate to ask returning staff and those who went to BBC as a camper how they think they’ve changed over the past year either at college or since working here last summer. It was inspiring to hear many of the staff say how they grew from their interactions with the campers. What a privilege to work in a place where you get to influence a child’s life for God while simultaneously growing along side them.

I had no idea how this clip was going to come together. Last week I just interviewed a bunch of staff and didn’t even consider what the visual while they were speaking would be. When I went to put it together during this first week of camp, I realized I had un-purposefully captured the staff that I had interviewed interacting with campers; I had been watching them live out the words they had spoken. Getting to put these words together with actual footage of the staff pouring out love to the campers has given me so much joy.

At the end I included a clip of Bobbi, one the girl counselors, reading this verse “When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you” (Isaiah 43:2). I felt it was fitting for our theme of aglow/fire. May we remember this summer that when we face flames of difficulty we will not be destroyed.

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