Assistant Counselor
“Each summer I come to camp I am amazed that it's possible to feel so comfortable and united with a group of people who I met as strangers.” - Guernsey (Assistant Counselor)
An assistant counselor at Bethany Birches Camp works with an assigned counselor to ensure 4-8 children’s safety and fun quotient throughout a week of camp.
Duration: 9 weeks
Type: Full Time Seasonal
Take time to know each camper, encourage them, and help them feel connected and loved
Aid counselor in cooking meals over the fire
Support counselor in following the daily schedule and participating in daily activities
Work with counselor to create a community among the cabin
Be aware of your campers whereabouts, activities and behavior
Maintain a safe environment at all times
Attend a weekly assistant counselor meeting and occasional weekend events
Have fun!
An assistant counselor should be seeking to learn about caring for campers, growing in faith and developing leadership skills. An assistant counselor should be able to relate well with other people, live in close community with other staff, and be responsive to the direction of leadership. An assistant counselor should have a passion for helping and serving those around them. This person should be able to articulate a faith founded on Jesus Christ both in words and actions and how faith is relevant today.
Minimum age: 17
Starting Salary: $180/week
(higher pay commensurate with experience)
Additional Benefits
Living in the beautiful green mountains of VT all summer
Food is provided for you most of the summer
Support a Staff: Earn up to an additional $1000 for the summer (In short, you raise money and camp matches dollar for dollar. We’ll help you with this process)
Coming back for another summer on staff? We’ll offer you a pay raise each summer you return!
Learn life skills like cooking, group management, conflict resolution, and flexibility
Use camp as a great addition to your resume and receive quality references from year round staff