Push Your Limits Week

For Summer 2015 Only! Aug 2-6; Age 11-14

This week is designed for campers to spend time in a known space (BBC!) and also experience new adventures to push individual limits. Two of the afternoons during the week each camper will participate in afternoon adventures that chosen on the registration form (Descriptions below). The other afternoons campers will stay at camp enjoying the traditional, familiar BBC activities. As with every BBC week campers will be guided through their experience by a counselor who will share their own stories of going outside of their comfort zones.

Click below on the adventure to learn more specifics for each adventure.

Canoeing: Paddle the Reservoir

Campers will aid in loading canoes, travel to Woodard Reservoir (Plymouth, VT) and receive instruction on manuevering a canoe through the water by learning different paddle strokes and boat rescues. Along with canoeing campers can enjoy swimming, a picnic lunch and discussing the importance of learning new skills.

Glee Club: Learn. Sing. Practice. Perform. Applause.

Join Marcia Bender in learning a unique song to perform at camp in the evening and at parent fireside. Learn what part you should sing, how to listen and have your voice be one of many that makes a beautiful sound. A great adventure for new and experienced singers a like. Depending on the group instruments will also be used. Counselors will lead discussions on how they feel about performing and sharing their gifts with others despite nerves and potential for humiliation.

Campers Singing

Campers Singing

Rock Climbing: Real Rocks. Real Mts. Climb High.

Rock Climbing

BBC Camper Scales the Rock

A trained rock climbing leader will guide the group up the rocks at Deer Leap in Killington, VT. Campers will depart from camp just after jump start with packed lunches. Upon arrival at Deer Leap campers will learn basic belaying skills, climbing protocol and test their own strength and trust in people around them. (This trip has a maximum, sign up soon!) Campers will return to camp in time for dinner and a chance to share how they “pushed their limits” while rock climbing.

Serving the Community: Help strangers. Help yourself.

Stretch your comfort zone by doing manual labor for a stranger! This afternoon will involve serving the local community by doing yardwork, painting, etc for neighbors near the camp who are unable to complete the work themselves. Conversations with staff will revolve around the experiences staff have had serving and how it helps someone else and also causes the servant to grow.

Tubing Down the White: Running the rapids on the river.

Depending on the amount of rain this summer campers will have opportunity to tube leisurely or run the rapids on the White River. Put in and pull out will be in South Royalton with ice cream to cap off the trip at Sandy’s. All campers will wear life jackets. Campers must pass the BBC Swim Test to join this adventure.

Summit Killington: Challenge your legs to give your eyes a view.

Navigate your way to the peak of Killington Mountain for a breathtaking view. The hike requires perseverance and strength. Campers will be equipped with water, snacks and staff to lead them to the peak. Frequent breaks will take place to discuss themes of endurance, perseverance and growth.

ZipLining: Flying through the air.

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Camper goes ziplining in 2014

Campers will depart BBC immediately following JumpStart and head towards an Adventure Zone for an afternoon of flying high.  Each camper will get 2 zip line rides. While campers are waiting for their turn a counselor will facilitate conversation about trust and conquering fears. Campers will arrive back at BBC in time for dinner and a reflection time on how they “pushed their limits” by zip lining.

Geocaching: Find your way through the wilderness with a GPS.

Campers will head via car down the road to Coolidge State Forest. Campers will have time to practice using the GPS and getting familiar with how to use the handheld device. The afternoon will be spent finding various “cache’s” (destination points) in the Coolidge State Forest. Each cache will have different prizes to help facilitate conversation about how to learn new tools and the importance of following a guide.

Wilderness Survival Skills: Nothing but the woods. Learn to Survive.

Join this adventure if you want to learn to survive in the woods with nothing but rope and a pocket knife. Make a spoon, learn knots, learn to start a fire, identify safe nature to consumer and move through the levels of BBC Survival. With enough participants this adventure will play the game SURVIVAL.

Learning to Fly: Learn to control the wings of an RC Quadcopter.

Campers will spend the afternoon learning to fly an RC Quadcopter. Campers will need to pass different levels of skill before advancing to different flying locations. All campers start in the pavilion and must be able to take off and land safely before moving to the great outdoors.