Pavilion Project Volunteer Oportunities


Time table for CampTasksLevel of SkillRemaining Spots
Nov 3-7Start panelizing wallsBlack Diamond2
Nov 3-7Start prepping interior slab radiant sectionBlue Square2
Nov 8,9Radiant Tubing RunsBlue Square2
Nov 10-14Lay insulationBlue Square2
Nov 10-14Continue radiant tubing runsBlue Square2
Nov 10-14Dig plumbing trenchesBlue Square2
Nov 10-14Start under slab plumbing layout and linesBlack Diamond2
Nov 17-21Continue plumbing if needed

Continue radiant runs

Black Diamond2
Nov 17-21Start floor trussesBlack Diamond2
Nov 17-21Start setting upper wallsBlue Square2
Nov 17-21Blocking of floor trussesBlack Diamond2
Nov 29,30Blocking in wallsBlue Square2
Nov 29,30Clean up scrapsGreen Circle3
DEC 1-5Set roof trussesBlack Diamond2
DEC 1-5Roof sheathingBlue Square2
DEC 1-5Start framing entrance porch roofBlack Diamond2
Anytime DecemberStrip bark from logsGreen Circle5

From Seth:
volunteer opportunities:

This fall, Bethany Birches Camp invites you to come to Vermont for a week of fun, fellowship, and fine craftsmanship. We are building a new pavilion and we need YOU to give US a hand. Literally! From the outset of this project, we have been determined to do this with all hands on deck. And that doesn’t mean we’re only looking for seasoned tradespeople. No matter your gift, we can use you. During the final weeks of October, we will be pre- building exterior walls, finishing the site work, laying the groundwork for plumbing and electrical needs, prestaining interior and exterior wood finishes, and cleaning as we go. In November, the TimberFrame arrives and will be assembled within the grist week of that month. This will be worth a trip just to witness this assembly of this beautiful piece of craftsmanship- we’re told its nothing less than a gargantuan shaker style piece of furniture being put together, piece by piece. Once the frame is up, we’ll need hands at the ready as we assemble floor trusses, erect the prefab walls, apply sheathing to the roof, and begin to apply siding. Can’t see yourself doing any of this but still want a piece of the action? All crews work best on a full stomach. If you can cook or scrub a pot, we can use you.

There are few things in this world that rival fall in northern New England. Sure, the leaves are gone, but so are the crowds. The mornings are a bit cooler, the nights are a bit longer, and there is a particular need to cozy up to the campfire more often than not.
There is an occasional flurry in the air, and the wood smoke from the chimneys up and down Lynds Hill reminds us that Winter is just around the corner.

Come and experience a purpose. Won’t you help us build camp?