In short, the process is simple...

If you qualify for aid, you will be able to choose one of our lowest prices. If you don’t, you can still choose our discounted rates.

Thanks for taking the initiative to get your “kid to camp.”

We sincerely hope the aid we can offer is enough to help make it possible for your child to attend.

The below household size and income chart shows whether or not you qualify for Tier 1 or 2.

For Tier 3, 4, and 5 we offer this simple guidance:

  • The top price represents our cost to put on summer camp, after we subtract for other programs we run, and reduce by the amount that is given at the annual benefit auction.
  • If you can’t, or don’t want to pay that, we offer the other two rates.
  • Families with multiple children may need to utilize a lower rate.
  • Families sending multiple children, multiple weeks, may need to utilize a lower rate.
  • Our goal remains for children to have the Bethany Birches experience and from it grow and flourish.

For Summer and Winter Camps we require the Tier 1-3 Qualification Form (found here).

This form allows us to be reimbursed for the meals we serve during the summer via the Summer Food Service Program.

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The program is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Vermont Agency of Education.  It exists to help make sure school age children have enough nutritional content in between school years.

The SFSP program does not discriminate against anyone. Please see the statement here.

Find this season’s prices on the page for each program.  SummerWinter.

We desire camp to be affordable for all, and we also desire to continue funding the BBC program. Here are your options:

Tier 5 = Our cost to put on summer camp, after we subtract for other programs we run, and reduce by the amount that is given at the annual benefit auction.

Tier 4 = Subsidized so that a family can better afford camp.

Tier 3 = Subsidized so that a family can better afford camp.

Tier 2 = Large subsidy based on household size and income (must qualify)

Tier 1 = Large subsidy based on household size and income (must qualify)

Do I Qualify (tier 1 and 2)?

Guidance for Social Service Agencies, Churches, and Other 3rd Party Payers

Please remember that these rates are heavily subsidized.  We work hard to raise money for campers who can’t pay.  You can help! If you have a friend, family member, church, community organization or someone else who can help pay, please take a higher tier and get their help.  OR, they can make a donation straight to the camp. If you can get even a little help from another source, we’ll be able to help more kids get here!  Also, you could volunteer time. During programs there is much to do and in the off seasons we need help with cleaning, maintenance, print and digital design.  If you have a skill we can probably use it! Email [email protected] to give time.

If the party paying for camp is an organization (not an individual person), they should assume a minimum of tier 3.  As tier 5 is our cost, we invite everyone to pay that as their financial ability allows.