Camp Is Affordable. As A Community We Make It Happen.

It has been important since day one, in 1965, that anyone who wants to attend camp can afford to do so.  Through fundraising and volunteerism, the community that is Bethany Birches Camp funds the sliding scale, repairs and builds new buildings, and gives time to make it all happen.

Your Giving Influences Lives

Here are three reasons to support Bethany Birches Camp; Bryce, Annika, and Anna.  Here are their letters from this past summer, written at the end of their camp sessions to supporters like you.

  • Dear friend, I love camp because it is so much fun.  My favorite activity is Gaga or carpet ball.  I learned how to be together with God and connect more with him.
  • Dear frand, I realy loved this week.  I had so much fun.  I lernd that thar is nothing beter than frandship!  Thank you for helping. 🙂
  • Dear friends of BBC, thanks so much for supporting BBC!  The people here are amazing, wonderful, cool, silly, and loving.  This is my 3rd summer at BBC and it never is going to get boring.  Thanks again.

Volunteering is an important part of the Bethany Birches support system. Many persons give many hours over the course of a year.  There are many ways to volunteer.  Whether you are young or old or in between, join in the fun.  Sign up for volunteer emails here or see some regular volunteer options here.

Annual Fundraising continues with the Annual Benefit Auction, Kids To Camp, Staff Matching and the ongoing subsidy of the overall program.

Corporate Matching may be something your employer does.  Some BBC supporters utilize their companies charitable giving match program.  If you don’t know whether your employer does this why not ask and see if your giving to camp can go further!

Capital Purchases and Fundraising Projects

We do not figure capital expenditures into our pricing for camp.  That way campers get to pay less which means they can come more often.  And that helps us accomplish the mission.  It also means we need help when upgrading tools or taking on special projects.


Dollars Given: $5000
Dollars Goal: $20,000

Will you give to help replace the well loved and well used, camp lawn mower?  The 1990s model in use needs repairs of $10,000 to be restored to proper working condition and so we have decided it is time to be replaced.  The 4×4 riding tractor model selected will be multifunctional including with the ability to capture leaves, spread sand over ice, and carry a trailer around camp.

Indoor Wall

Climbing Wall Holds and Auto belays!  You may recall that we intended to install a climbing wall in the pavilion in 2016 when constructing the new space.  The project was stalled due to funding, and then Covid.  The time has come to install and complete the wall!  Supporters gave significantly to the wall build.  We have only a few outstanding items unpaid for.  They include the holds (bolt on shapes used for hands and feet), auto belays (allows more climbers per staff person), and climbing shoes. Will you give to help get the new wall into service?

Dollars Given: $48,550
Dollars Goal: $56,000